Zhuang Yi's judgment was relatively accurate.

Although the young woman's ability was temporarily activated because of the danger of her life, she was only at the first level, but the zombies besieging her had two second-level ones, and they quickly broke the earth shield.

But she didn't give up, she had a strong will to survive, and randomly condensed out the awl to attack the zombies.

It's a pity that she only aroused the ability, and she was not very proficient in controlling it, so she quickly exhausted the ability.

Just as the young woman fell into despair and saw a second-level zombie about to bite her, suddenly a sharp piece of metal pierced through the zombie's head.

Soon thereafter, several similar pieces of metal appeared, killing all the zombies besieging her.

Seeing the zombies who fell to the ground and besieged her but fell to the ground and died, the young woman also knew that she was rescued.

Turning around and looking up, he saw a beautiful, tall and sexy beauty walking towards him.

"Get up." Feng Wei stretched out his hand to the woman.

Hua Nuan felt that the woman in front of her was much more beautiful than any woman she had ever seen. She was amazed at the first sight, and only then came back to her senses when she heard the other party speak.

She put her hand in the beauty's hand, felt the warmth from her palm, and a crack appeared in her heart that had just been frozen.

She stood up and said gratefully, "Thank you for saving me, my name is Hua Nuan."

Feng Wei chuckled: "Hua Nuan? This name is quite special."

"My name is Feng Wei, come with me." She pulled Hua Nuan and walked towards the off-road vehicle.

Along the way, there were also zombies who wanted to pounce on them and bite them, but soon there were many metal fragments floating around them, and one of them died.

Such a powerful metal ability also shocked the fleeing people, as well as the people who were watching with binoculars from a building in the distance.

While fighting zombies to save people, Qin Zhe watched Feng Wei walk over with Hua Nuan so easily and recklessly, and was hit again.

He felt that he must work hard to improve his abilities from now on, otherwise he would soon become a drag in the team and be expelled.

He was also a little puzzled about Feng Wei running to save people.

From knowing Feng Wei to now, he doesn't think she is a person who is easy to soften her heart.

Huo Xiaoliang kept bombarding the rushing zombies with lightning abilities. Regarding Feng Wei's behavior, he only thought she was happy.

Feng Wei dragged Hua Nuan into the car.

Zhuang Yi looked at Feng Wei with some puzzlement and asked, "Why did you run to save someone?"

Feng Wei said bluntly: "I think she is more suitable for my eyes, so I saved her."

Being able to turn back and save people at such a critical moment shows that Hua Nuan's heart is relatively good.

After the betrayal, the kind of relief and determination, and the eyes with great desire to survive, moved her.

Another point is that the other party has awakened the earth-type ability, or the mutated one, and she thinks that she can take it with her and cultivate it.

Of course, she looks at each other more pleasingly, this is the most important point.

"Just as long as you're happy." Zhuang Yi didn't even know what to say about her. Could it be that being strong is self-willed?

Hua Nuan didn't expect that Feng Wei saved her mainly because he felt that it was a good match for his eyes.

But no matter what, she was grateful to Feng Wei for saving her life.

Originally, she thought that she could see through life and death, but when she really faced death, she was still more eager to continue living. Even if she was betrayed by her relatives and life was extremely difficult, she didn't want to give up hope.

"Who are you who you saved just now?" Feng Wei asked Hua Nuan, picking up a bottle of mineral water.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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