Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1911 Cut off the relationship

Hearing what Feng Wei said, Qin Zhe felt very heartbroken.

Hua Nuan seemed to have awakened the ability of the earth element before, why does everyone have so many specialties, and he is only the ability of the fire element? It was too shocking.

But since Feng Wei included people in the team, Zhuang Yi didn't object, and he wouldn't object either.

"Okay." He looked at Hua Nuan and smiled: "My name is Qin Zhe, welcome to join our team."

"Thank you." Hua Nuan also smiled at him.

She could tell that this person should be of the more upright kind.

Qin Zhe was about to start the car after speaking, when suddenly a middle-aged woman ran over and blocked the road.

"Hua Nuan, come down quickly." The middle-aged woman shouted.

Hua Nuan's lips were full of sarcasm, and she could roughly guess what their plans were.

"Can I go down and solve the family problems? It only takes two minutes." She asked Feng Wei.

Feng Wei nodded and smiled: "Of course there is no problem."

Hua Nuan drove down, walked up to the middle-aged woman and said coldly, "From today onwards, I won't be with you anymore, take care of yourself."

The middle-aged woman was startled, and then her face was full of sternness, "What are you talking about? How come you don't want me as a mother after climbing the mountain? Don't forget who raised you."

"If your uncle didn't take us in, you would have died a long time ago. You white-eyed wolf actually wants to leave us alone."

Hua Nuan's heart was even colder, since she had torn her face, there was nothing to remember.

"Did you forget that after Dad passed away, you took all the property he left behind to marry you. According to the law, half of it is mine, and it is enough for me to raise more than ten, so I don't owe him anything." .”

"On the contrary, I have been like an outsider at home these years. You are taking my father's money for fun, never thinking that it is actually spending my money."

She looked at the middle-aged woman resolutely and said: "I used the money before to feed the dogs. I turned around to save you just now, but you wanted to put me to death. I can be regarded as repaying your kindness. We're even, and we'll never have anything to do again."

She was only five years old when her father died, and she had no ability to get her own share of property. Over the years at her stepfather's house, because she cared about the mother who gave birth to her, she endured a lot of concessions.

But she is not a soft bun, let them handle it.

Originally, he wanted to leave that family completely by going to university, but who would have thought that the end of the world would come, and he could only flee with them.

In the past few months, she has worked hard to find something to keep everyone alive, but instead it has increased their appetite. After experiencing the previous things, her heart was completely cold.

"I gave birth to you and raised you. Isn't it right for you to save me? You don't want to live a good life by yourself and leave us alone." The middle-aged woman said disregardingly.

In any case, this daughter cannot be allowed to escape from her control.

Hua Nuan was too lazy to talk to her, "Anyway, I will sever the mother-daughter relationship with you from now on, so you can make trouble as you like."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and was about to get in the car. The middle-aged woman looked gloomy and wanted to pull her forward.

However, she was scratched by a soil awl, and blood flowed from a wound, and she was forced to stop.

Hua Nuan got into the car and said to Qin Zhe, "I'm done, please drive."

Qin Zhe and the others didn't think there was anything wrong with Hua Nuan's actions. After all, they had seen a middle-aged woman push her out and almost killed her.

If she still wants to maintain the relationship like a virgin, they will have to consider whether she is suitable for the team.

So as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out, and there was a middle-aged woman yelling and cursing from behind.

Hua Nuan felt inexplicably relieved, and finally left that home. She will live for herself in the future.

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