Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1914 I don't know if it's good or bad

Hearing what he said, Feng Wei felt that the so-called Gu Wu was very similar to cultivating immortals.

Her grandfather, grandmother, mother, uncle, and aunt all know how to cultivate immortals. Since she was a child, she has been a heavenly spirit root, so she also learned the skills of cultivating immortals.

That's why it was able to reach the tenth level of the three-line ability so quickly. It still took a lot of energy to focus on manufacturing, otherwise it could be faster.

Although she is not very good at magic arts, she still knows a lot under the guidance of her elders, such as formations and talismans, etc. She is inferior to her grandfather and uncle, but she can handle them well.

She doesn't know how to control insects, but her aunt gave her the inheritance of beast control. She didn't learn it before, but now she can learn it. After all, there are many mutant beasts in this world, so it might be very useful.

"Does it mean that before the end of the world, none of their ancient martial arts families will come out?" she asked.

Zhuang Yi nodded and said, "Yes, it belongs to a transcendent existence."

"Now the whole world has changed, the magnetic field has changed, and a more suitable environment and things for people's cultivation have been created. Naturally, those Guwu families can't sit still and want to come out to get a share of the pie." He said with complicated eyes .

In the past, the social order could not be disturbed. It should have been agreed with the Guwu family that they would not be allowed to come out to fight for power. There were restrictions on those people.

But now that the world is in chaos and the social order is broken, it has become an opportunity for the Guwu family to be born, and it is not known whether it will be good or bad for the world in the future.

Feng Wei nodded: "In this troubled world, it will be abnormal if the Guwu family doesn't do something, so pay more attention in the future."

She still has some interest in the Guwu family.

Soon, the boss opened the door and walked out, took three pieces of paper and handed them to Feng Wei, "This is the list of Dire Wolves, Snakes and Dark Organizations going to the wholesale market, take a look."

Feng Wei took it and scanned it, the content on it was quite detailed.

For example, the leader of the Dire Wolf team, Dire Wolf, is a metal and earth dual-type supernatural being. He is good at defense. What is the means of attack?

There are more than 30 supernatural beings on Dire Wolf's side, and each of them has notes on their special abilities and what they are good at.

The list on the snake and scorpion is only a dozen people, and the people who were ambushed and died really don't need to provide it.

Twenty people from the Diablo organization came this time, and they were all at the elite level, and they were all supernatural beings above the second level.

After reading the list, she handed it to Zhuang Yi and the others.

"Is there any more interesting or useful news from your side?" Feng Wei felt that the Gu Wu family behind the shadow was really powerful. The dark organization just arrived yesterday, and today they can fully grasp the other party's information.

The boss smiled proudly and said: "It depends on what you want to buy, Miss. We can provide a lot of complete information here, such as the division of power in the major bases, and more prominent personnel information."

"The distribution of zombie groups in each city, the scope of the main activities of mutant beasts, where there are exotic flowers and plants, etc., all these news."

"You do have a lot of news." Feng Wei turned around and asked, "Is there any news about the Nanshi Base?"

"Yes, if you just want to buy the information of outstanding personnel in Nanshi, it's cheaper, ten crystal cores are enough." The boss said with a smile.

"If you want individual detailed information, there is also, but you need to pay more." A big beauty is not short of money.

Feng Wei also wanted to know how much information the shadow organization had, so he gave Qin Zhe a look, "First, a copy of outstanding personnel in Nanshi."

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