Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1920 It's okay to play with a big one

A few people observed it, and the nearby zombies had been cleaned up, so it was no wonder that the people inside dared to laugh so loudly.

Feng Wei felt that there was a big problem, "Do you feel that there is something wrong?"

"You mean those who are smiling?" Qin Zhe pointed to the shopping mall building where the voice came from.

Feng Wei shook his head: "It's not them. This is where the largest group of zombies is located in Ming City, but we don't see many zombies, but the scattered ones are not very strong. Don't you find it strange?"

"It should be cleaned up by the people who came in front." Qin Zhe said.

Feng Wei said: "This is the headquarters of zombies in Ming City. If zombies follow the habit of zombies in the past, people and loud noises will definitely come out continuously. It is impossible to only have some not very strong roamers."

"Do you think that just relying on the team that came before can clean up almost all the zombies here?" She asked back.

Qin Zhe was right when he thought about it, "It seems that what you said makes sense."

"It makes sense." Huo Xiaoliang stood beside Feng Wei, "That's why those people dare to be so reckless."

"I also feel that something is wrong. I suspect that something special happened inside." Zhuang Yi said.

Feng Wei nodded: "I think so too."

"It gives me a very dangerous feeling inside, no wonder those people have never succeeded." She is very sensitive to the sense of danger.

"Me too." Zhuang Yi nodded.

While the few people were talking, suddenly the door of the shopping mall with wanton laughter was opened not far away, and several men came out from the inside, apparently having spotted them.

Sweeping their gazes over several people, their gazes all fell on Feng Wei, their eyes full of amazement and desire to plunder.

There were also two similar eyes on Zhuang Yi.

The death rate of women in the last days is much higher than that of men. Gradually, many men like to flirt with men. A delicate and beautiful woman like Zhuang Yi is naturally targeted.

Huo Xiaoliang hated their eyes very much, and stepped in front of Feng Wei.

Qin Zhe found out that being too beautiful is also a sin. Although he is a dazzling presence everywhere he goes, he is almost always targeted.

Zhuang Yi hated other people looking at him like this. He raised his hand and burst out, and countless sharp cones of water flew towards them.

"Ah!" There were several screams, and the eyes of the few people who came out of it were all poked out, except for a third-level supernatural user who hid quickly.

Feng Wei didn't make a move either, looking at the appearance of these people and the discordant laughter from inside, it was not difficult to guess the identity of these people, the Dire Wolf Squad, originally a gangster in Ming City.

Hearing the screams of their companions, many people inside rushed out one after another.

"You are so courageous, you dare to attack our brothers." The people who came out were all angry.

Then when he saw Feng Wei and Zhuang Yi, the same expression appeared in his eyes.

Someone else shouted: "Brother Zhao, there are two beauties."

"Bring them in." A hoarse voice came from inside.

It appears to be doing something.

There was a cruel smile on Zhuang Yi's pretty face, anyone who dared to look at him like that would be dead.

"Killed?" He asked Feng Wei.

Feng Wei felt a somewhat familiar atmosphere, "Go in and have a look."

"It's okay." Zhuang Yi felt that it would be okay to play big ones as soon as he came here, and he could shock the other teams.

So except for Hua Nuan who was a little nervous, several other people swaggered in from among the people who came out.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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