Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1924 This is the real tragedy

Hong Zhao couldn't take it anymore and passed out, but was awakened by Ji Ziyi again, and finally he was tortured to death bit by bit.

And on the stone tablet at the base, his name also quickly disappeared from the combat power list, and Feng Wei's name immediately advanced nine places to eighty.

But they don't know this yet.

Because the stele appeared suddenly, Feng Wei's ranking rose by nine places, which also made people in the major bases notice her.

Some forces even went to the shadow organization to buy her information.

On the other side, Ji Ziyi couldn't help but half-kneeled on the ground and burst into tears after calling Hong Zhaoling late, as if all the grievances and thorns in her heart were relieved at this moment.

Seeing this, Qin Zhe asked Zhuang Yi in a low voice: "She is very strong at copying this metal ability, and she is almost on par with Feng Damei."

They had read the information about the leader of the snake and scorpion, Ji Ziyi, and knew that she was more hostile to men. Many men were tortured to death by their snake and scorpion team. She was good at a very special ability, that is, copying.

That is to say, she can copy other people's abilities for her own use during battle. The disadvantage is that this copied ability will not stay for a long time, and will disappear after time passes.

However, if it is used well, it is also very good, such as borrowing Feng Wei's metal ability to cut people just now.

"Indeed, she has basically copied about 80% of Feng Wei's metal ability. This ability is very interesting." Zhuang Yi rubbed his chin with interest in his eyes.

Qin Zhe didn't find it interesting at all, he couldn't help asking: "Isn't it very cruel?"

It was the first time he had seen someone chopping and cutting people so brutally.

Zhuang Yi didn't care, "I don't think so, I feel quite emotional. These people deserve to die, so what's important about how they die?"

"..." Qin Zhe choked, he felt that he shouldn't ask this pervert.

However, thinking of the information about the Dire Wolf Squad, who took pleasure in bullying women, playing with young children, eating children raw, and castrating men, all these disgusting things were done, and he couldn't sympathize with them. Generally speaking, they deserved what they deserved.

When Ji Ziyi was about to cry, Feng Wei walked over and put his hand on her shoulder, "What happened when you came to Mingshi?"

How did such a sunny and cheerful beautiful girl become what she is now?

Ji Ziyi liked Feng Wei very much before, and now the other party not only saved her, but also helped her avenge her, and she didn't hide anything about herself.

"I found a boyfriend soon after I came to Mingshi, but I didn't expect him to betray me for profit. After secretly knocking me out, he dedicated me to a high-level executive in the Mingshi base to defile me."

"Then the high-ranking officer sent me to Hong Zhao again. I was tortured by them, and then I found an opportunity to escape, and personally eunuch those two whores who betrayed me and threw them into the crowd of zombies."

"After Hong Zhao found out that I had escaped, he frantically found my mother, dragged her out, and tortured her to death."

"So I established Snake Scorpion to take in those women who have been betrayed or defiled by men, to rescue women, and to punish those heartless and bad men."

"I have avenged Hong Zhao several times. Although I didn't kill him, I also defeated Dire Wolf. He hated me. We are life and death enemies in the base."

"This time I heard that Dire Wolf was going to find ore after receiving the mission, so I brought the snake and scorpion here, but I didn't expect that one of the team members in the middle was hooked up by Dire Wolf's team members and betrayed us, leaking our route and plan, so Fell into the trap of the wolf."

"These bastards defiled and tortured my team members to death with extremely cruel means. Hong Zhao deliberately kept them for me to watch them die before he started to attack me, and then you came."

After listening to her words, Feng Wei sighed and hugged her: "The past is over."

The others couldn't help being startled, they didn't expect this person's experience to be so miserable, no wonder they would deal with Dire Wolf's people so harshly.

Hua Nuan used to think that what happened to her was quite tragic, but after hearing what happened to Ji Ziyi, she realized that she was considered good, and this was the real tragedy.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~~ After 0:5pm, the update will start~~

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