The senior zombie didn't expect the other party to find him so quickly, his throat let out a zombie's roar, but his eyes showed a bit of human cruelty and desire.

He moved his nose, feeling that the woman opposite must taste delicious, as long as he eats her, he can break through level five.

So he rushed forward without any hesitation, the figure disappeared in place, and when it appeared, it was already on top of Feng Wei's head, with the long nails on both hands trying to dig into her head.

Feng Wei swung the orange long sword in his hand and slashed at it, blocking his attack.

This sword is a failed product that she forged before, and it can be blessed with metallic abilities.

At that time, because the color of the sword body became brighter after the failure, she thought it looked pretty, so she threw it into the space ring at will.

I just discovered it by accident, so I took it out and used it.

With the blessing of this ability sword, her metal ability can exert the effect of level four.

After resisting this guy's attack, she swung her long sword and slashed towards him.

This zombie has a lot of fighting experience, and quickly backed away by about half a meter.

He used his wind ability just now, but after he failed, he immediately switched to his strongest mental power attack.

Raising his head and roaring, his voice carried a special attack ripple, and he went straight towards Feng Wei.

"Sure enough, what he is best at is mental power. No wonder he can control so many zombies." Feng Wei not only was not afraid, but hooked his lips.

This zombie's mental strength is not bad, she has reached level b, but she is ss level, even if she is pushed down to level b, she is not comparable to him.

So when the mental power attack entered her spiritual consciousness, all of it was swallowed without her taking the initiative to do anything, and it also replenished her mental power.

Seeing this, the senior zombie showed a look of human incomprehension. He thought that this ability was very good. Why didn't this woman's mental power collapse?

When he was still wondering, Feng Wei also took the initiative to release a mental attack on him.

The high-level zombie was caught off guard and was attacked so much that his spiritual power and consciousness fell, and he couldn't help but let out a low growl.

Suddenly a figure appeared behind him, and a strong thunderbolt fell from the sky and struck the senior zombie.

The senior zombie was stunned for a while, and Huo Xiaoliang took the opportunity to condense a few relatively strong wind blades and flew towards his head.

At this time, because of his previous roar, a lot of third-level zombies were summoned from downstairs.

Seeing this, Feng Wei urged the vines to temporarily block the door leading to the rooftop.

Today, no matter what, this high-level zombie must be dealt with first, so that the people on their side can be rescued.

Without the control of this zombie, it would be much easier for them to get the energy stone.

The wind blades all stabbed towards the head of the high-ranking zombie, but he instinctively avoided it.

It also completely enraged him, brought out his messy mental power, and attacked Huo Xiaoliang with the wind blades.

This time he used the strongest trick.

Huo Xiaoliang felt a dangerous palpitation. This time, it was difficult to resist the opponent's attack no matter whether it was lightning or wind.

The sense of crisis coming from the threat to his life also stimulated his dormant No. 1 personality, and the normal Huo Xiaoliang suddenly took control of his body.

Without hesitation, he used a lot of devouring energy that he had just fused, and made a posture similar to gossip with his hands in front of him.

Then a black vortex appeared in front of him, sucking all the spiritual power and wind attack of the advanced zombies into it.

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