Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1939 That Feng Wei made it

The members of the Diablo organization did not expect that the members of the Mei family would play such a game, and they were a little unwilling, but they were afraid that it was true.

So he could only turn around and run away.

Just as they ran about a meter away, a large number of zombies poured out from the entrance of the mall behind them.

They seemed to be stimulated by something, and they were all crazy. After seeing more than a dozen people, they became even more hatred, and chased them at the fastest speed.

"Did these zombies take hormones? Why did they become so irritable and crazy?" The dark leader, who was almost scratched by a third-level wind-type zombie, couldn't help scolding while running away.

The man in black from the Mei family also found that the zombies were much more irritable and crazier than before, as if they had killed their entire family or robbed them of food.

"That woman, maybe that Feng Wei made it." He didn't know why, but suddenly thought of Feng Wei, and always felt that that woman was not simple.

"Ah, ah, ah!" There were screams from behind, and several people on the Diablo side were overwhelmed by the zombies, torn to pieces and eaten.

Two people in the Mei family were also scratched and drowned by zombies.

This scene made the people in front run faster, and suddenly a lot of zombies poured out from the side and front.

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded by zombies again, the current situation was much worse than before.

The man in black from the Mei family couldn't help showing a bit of fierceness in his eyes, and took out a green pill and threw it at the fleeing person from the dark organization.

The green pill exploded as soon as it hit the dark man, and a strange fragrance spread over the remaining people in the dark.

Then they saw that the zombies around them became even crazier, they all staggered away from the three people in front and came towards them.

Although the people in the dark organization didn't know what this thing was, they immediately realized the purpose of the Mei family.

"You bastards, you guys will die badly." The dark leader frantically attacked with supernatural powers, but soon he was drowned in the crowd of zombies together with the last roar he uttered.

The three members of the Mei family also had a chance to breathe, and ran towards a passage with fewer zombies.

Soon it was blocked by a wave of zombies coming from the side. These zombies were all level three, and there were hundreds of them in total.

There are quite a few others with supernatural powers, and Qi Qi attacks them frantically.

The man in black from the Mei family was about to go crazy. He didn't expect to find an exit with great difficulty, but he encountered even greater trouble.

The people of the dark organization have been used by him to hold back the zombies who are chasing after him, what should he do now?

He is still young, and he has to go home to fight for the position of heir, he cannot die.

So he became cruel and used the same method to kill the remaining two Mei family members, buying time for him to escape.

It's just that the group attack of the third-level zombies was very fierce. He used up all the self-defense and other treasures he was carrying, and escaped this time with serious injuries.

After escaping from the wholesale market, he was afraid that Feng Wei and the others would meet him harshly, so he took a detour to the back and ran.

He forgot all about meteorites and ores.

On the other side, just as Feng Wei and the others ran out of the wholesale market, everyone found that the zombies inside had rioted, and they were all overjoyed.

Fortunately, they ran fast, otherwise it would be over. This time, they will be surrounded by zombies again. With the few abilities they have left, they really have to explain it.

After going out, they stayed away from each other for a certain distance, and then stopped to rest.

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