Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1941 You won't accept it?

Huo Xiaoliang had thoughts in his heart, but he didn't show any expression on his face.

He asked lightly: "What is the cooperation?"

Zong Ze said with a smile: "We will work together to continue searching for ores and meteorites. Both of us will ask the family for help and ask them to send an elite team over."

He recognized Huo Xiaoliang's ability very much, and now that the other party had the powerful and mysterious Feng Wei beside him, he couldn't help but want to cooperate even more.

Huo Xiaoliang directly refused: "No need, I'm not going to rely on my family this time, our team can find it by ourselves."

His second personality promised Feng Wei to look for it together, and then everyone will share it equally, and his share will also be given to her, so it is not appropriate to mix the family into it.

The second personality is also himself, so he will definitely keep his promise.

Zongze raised his eyebrows, "Are you serious? As the end of the world gets longer and longer, the zombies or mutated animals around the ore and meteorite sites will become more and more powerful. Can we do it with just a few people?"

Huo Xiaoliang also raised his eyebrows, "Why not? The most important thing is to have good soldiers, not many, otherwise it would be us who were wiped out just now, not the dark organization."

Zong Ze choked, it seemed that what he said was quite right.

He changed his mind, "Then don't rely on the family, I will bring the remaining brothers to form a team with you."

"There are too many people, we don't need to hold back." Huo Xiaoliang sent Feng Wei's words away.

"..." Zong Ze was speechless.

His eyes fell on Hua Nuan, "You still have first-level supernatural beings on your side."

"Hua Nuan is the earth-type supernatural ability that was only inspired, but she has the ability to communicate with insects. Do people on your side have special abilities?" Huo Xiaoliang asked.

"..." Zong Ze was speechless again. They did have a person with a special ability, but it was tasteless in comparison.

"I don't really want to go back, brother, you won't take me in?" Zong Ze didn't know why, but always felt that being with Huo Xiaoliang and the others would be very exciting, and only then would he achieve his goal, so he started to play the emotional card .

Huo Xiaoliang knew that Zong Ze was a man, despite his tall and brave appearance, he was actually the most shameless behind his back.

He thought for a while and whispered to Feng Wei: "Shall we go and say a few words?"

Feng Wei nodded, and walked not far away with him, "Do you want Zong Ze to join?"

"I used to be in a military academy with him. We did missions together, and we lived and died together. His character can be assured."

Huo Xiaoliang paused and said: "The Zong family is also fighting for power internally. He probably wants to hide for a while. His sense of belonging to the Zong family is not as strong as mine, so it should be possible to negotiate whether to hand over the ore. Divide yourself."

"And besides his power ability, he also has special abilities, which may be useful." He added.

Feng Wei asked curiously: "Isn't he the heir of the clan? Why doesn't he have a sense of belonging to the family?"

This is not a secret, Huo Xiaoliang explained: "He has an elder brother, who was placed with great expectations by the family before, and is also the heir of the clan."

"Although his parents are also married to a wealthy family, they are childhood sweethearts with a very good relationship. The birth of his brother is the crystallization they are most looking forward to, so they have been brought up by their side all the time."

"After he and his younger brother were born, Zong Ze was thrown to his grandparents to be raised, and his younger brother was thrown to his grandparents to be raised. His parents basically didn't care about them."

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