So when Feng Wei and the others returned to the base in Mingshi and got off the car to go to their residence, they were listening to various discussions along the way.

"Who is that Feng Wei? She's too good. She jumped from No. 89 to No. 20 in one day, which also means that she is the first person among the third-level superpowers."

"It's for sure. The previous mad wolf Hong Zhao was a level 4 supernatural being. Being able to be replaced by Feng Wei shows that this Feng Wei must be very strong."

"By the way, is this Feng Wei male or female?"

"I heard it's a woman, and she's a big beauty."

"That's right, the beautiful women from the Nanshi base are quite famous in Nanshi, and they are very powerful in combat."

"The shadow organization has detailed information about her. Originally, our boss wanted to buy one to see, but who knows that it has already sold one hundred and twenty crystal cores, which is too expensive."

"Will the price go up? Isn't it the price tag?"

"Before that, it was said that the shadow organization had new information about Feng Wei, so the price was raised."

"Do you know what new information it is?"

"One hundred and twenty crystal cores are too expensive. Except for those high-level people and people with spare money, no one would be willing to run to buy them."

"Besides, even if someone bought it, it would be impossible to spread it, otherwise wouldn't it be too wasteful."

"I really want to see what this beauty Feng is like."

"Huo Xiaoliang is also very good. He jumped from seventh to third. It stands to reason that the people in the front are all radish and pits. It is difficult to surpass one. He jumped several places at once."

"If you know Huo Xiaoliang's identity, it won't be so strange. He is the heir of the Huo family in the capital. He has talent and family background, which is incomparable."

"It means that Huo Xiaoliang is the grandson of General Huo?"

"Of course, he is still an elite of the special forces. After the end of the world, he took the lead in rescuing many people and collecting a lot of supplies at the Nanshi base. He has always been relatively good."

"It's no wonder he's so powerful, and his identity is quite impressive."

Everyone has been discussing Huo Xiaoliang and Feng Wei, but they have no idea that the two walking not far away are.

Qin Zhe smiled and said to the two: "Tsk tsk, come back from a wholesale market, and you two will become famous."

"This battle list is quite interesting. When will I be ranked in the top five?" Zong Ze rubbed his chin and looked at the big stone tablet.

Although he went to the wholesale market before and didn't witness the stele coming out, he only knew the news and saw it for the first time today.

"The methods of these ancient martial arts families are really extraordinary. Not only can they create such a sensational combat power list, but they can also update their rankings very quickly. How did they do it?" He asked with some doubts.

Zhuang Yi was also very curious about this point. They had just come out of the wholesale market not long ago, but the combat power list was updated before.

This means that the people who made the combat power list immediately discovered the strength of Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang, so they changed their names.

"Beautiful Feng, do you know?" He couldn't help but turned to Feng Wei and asked.

Feng Wei replied: "It should have used the breath psychic formation. As long as the people who have entered the base, the Guwu family who made the combat power list will use a formation to lock everyone's breath, and then communicate with each base. connected to the steles."

"Once there is any change in the combat power of the person who locked the breath, the formation stone will get feedback and automatically update the ranking."

Several people were stunned when they heard this, "If this is the case, that's too awesome, does it mean that everyone has no privacy?"

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