Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1947 It should be fine

There are accommodations similar to hotels in the base in Ming City. You only need to pay a certain amount of crystal cores to stay. It is run by the base, which is safer and more secretive.

Everyone killed a lot of zombies in the wholesale market before, and the harvest of crystal nuclei was relatively large, so each of them asked for one.

After getting the room, Feng Wei said to the others: "You guys take a rest first, take a shower and sleep, let's have dinner together in the evening, and I'll talk to you about something by the way."

Since she is a member of the same team, she will naturally not hide the fact that she has already brought ores and meteorites to the wholesale market.

"Okay." Although everyone was a little curious about what Feng Wei was going to say, their bodies were indeed sticky and uncomfortable, and they were extremely tired, so they had to wait until night.

Feng Wei also opened the door and entered her room, and first scanned it with mental strength. After finding no monitors or formations, she relaxed and went to take a shower first.

The base here happens to be close to a hydropower plant, so it will supply electricity and water during the day.

The price of this kind of hotel is also relatively expensive, with 20 crystal nuclei a night, not many people are willing to stay, and it is quite quiet.

After taking a bath, she also went to sleep first. Although she didn't use up her abilities in the wholesale market, she was rather tired.

After waking up, it was past five o'clock in the afternoon, and she got up to tidy up when she heard a knock on the door.

Open the door to see Huo Xiaoliang standing at the door.

"I asked if there was anything I could help with." He leaned against the doorway.

Feng Wei let him in, "The room has its own kitchen, I will trouble you to cook a meal tonight to reward everyone."

This place should be a remodel of the original apartment before the end of the world, all with kitchens and balconies.

If someone else said this, Huo Xiaoliang probably wouldn't bother to pay attention to it, but he gave Feng Wei a lot of face, "It's no problem, everyone really worked hard today."

"You didn't sleep?" Feng Wei asked him while taking him into the kitchen, taking out rice, meat and vegetables from the space ring.

According to what he said before, if he wakes up, he should be the second personality.

That guy is very pestering, and the way he talks is not like that.

Huo Xiaoliang laughed: "I still have something to do tonight, so I can't let him out for now, so I won't sleep."

"Yes." Feng Wei nodded.

She pointed to the things on the kitchen table and asked, "Are these enough?"

"There are extras." Huo Xiaoliang scanned, and he found that there were a lot of fresh people and vegetables stored in Feng Wei's space.

"That's fine." Feng Wei suddenly remembered something, "You come to the living room with me first, and I might ask you to do me a favor."

Huo Xiaoliang originally thought that after changing to a normal personality, meeting and talking with Feng Wei would be awkward, but in fact he was still relaxed, and he was relieved.

"it is good."

The two went back to the living room together, Feng Wei cut off a piece of the energy stone and took it out.

"Does your devouring ability decompose and purify the energy of this stone?"

She took out the B-level energy stone from the demon flower again, "For example, it can be purified like this, which is what the demon flower mentioned before."

Huo Xiaoliang first picked up the b-level energy stone, held it in his hand, and felt it.

Then they picked up the c-level energy stone they found in the wholesale market and shook it, looking for a feeling.

After about ten minutes, he said, "It should be no problem. After I held these stones, I spontaneously recognized how to decompose and purify them in my perception."

"The energy in this piece is much purer, and the effect after absorption will be better." He picked up the b-level energy stone again and played with it.

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