Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1955 Must play bigger

Zong Ze never mentioned it to anyone before and didn't think so, but now the more he thinks about it, the angrier he gets.

Since he is not good, why let him sit in that position, pretending that he doesn't know it, and it's not to help his elder brother occupy it.

It's not good for them to despise him, and he doesn't serve him anymore, yes, that's it.

His rebellious period has been postponed for ten years, and he will also be willful for himself once.

Seeing Zong Ze and Zhuang Yi's appearance, Huo Xiaoliang also knew that they were uncomfortable being heirs. In fact, he didn't bear too much burden because of his status as heir.

"That makes sense," he said.

Zong Ze said with a smile on his face, "Look, even A Xiao supports it, please think about it carefully."

Feng Wei is seriously considering their proposal, not to mention that it is really the case.

The overall strength of their team is not bad. No matter which base they go to in the future, they will be wooed, but they will also be guarded against, and they may be involved in the vortex of competition between major forces.

But if you don't go to the base to stabilize, it is impossible to run around every day.

She looked at Hua Nuan and Ji Ziyi and asked, "What do you think?"

Hua Nuan thought for a while and said, "I think it's good to build a city by myself. I don't need to look at people's faces or oppression. It's easy to say, but it may be quite difficult to actually build it."

"I support their opinion." Ever since she was driven away by the middle management of the Mingshi base, she has been a little shadowed, and feels that no matter which base she goes to, it is like going to someone else's house, and they can drive you out at any time.

If you build a city by yourself, whether it is good or bad is your own home. People say that the golden nest and silver nest are not as good as your own doghouse.

Ji Ziyi said: "I also support it."

Feng Wei nodded, then looked at Qin Zhe again, "What about you?"

Qin Zhe thought for a while and said, "I'll follow what the boss wants."

"Of course, I think it would be great if we could build our own city." He added.

The heir of the Qin family is his cousin. He has no burden on him. Since he was a child, he has been sent by his family to the boss as a companion.

In fact, it is similar to the nature of accompanying the prince to study in ancient times, so his feelings for the Qin family are actually not very deep.

It doesn't matter to him if there will be no base in Kyoto in the future.

If he goes back with the boss, he can also return to live in the city he built together as if it were a vacation, and leave a way out for himself, which is pretty good.

Feng Wei finally looked at Huo Xiaoliang and asked, "What's your opinion?"

"Jian, I don't really want to go back to the base in Kyoto, so I'll play with you first." Huo Xiao supported with a sneer.

In addition to the Huo family in the capital, he also has a separate force. When the time comes, all of them will be called to build the city together, so that everyone can find a stable place to survive in this end of the world.

The point is that he saw that Feng Wei was moved, so he wanted to support her.

Feng Wei's eyebrows were tinged with a smile, "Since everyone agrees, then it's decided, we will find a place to occupy the mountain as king in the future, and decide our own affairs."

What Zhuang Yi said is quite right. If she wants to get some technology to contact her family in the future, she will have to look at the opinions of the senior management of the research institute in other bases, which is too restrictive.

Make a city for yourself, do whatever you want.

"And if we want to build, we have to build the best. It's no fun to make small troubles." She said.

"That is, we must play bigger." Zong Ze likes this kind of excitement the most.

Zhuang Yi also said: "Yes, we must play a bigger game. When we come up with something good, we will let the senior management of other bases take the initiative to come to the door and show us how we feel."

Especially when those old guys from the Kyoto base also begged to come to the door, he would give them a face, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt better.

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