Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1959 No right to be willful

After taking a nap in the afternoon, Huo Xiaoliang's first personality took control of his body.

"My grandfather told me to make my own decision without thinking too much about it. Other senior members of the family sent me a message asking me to go back, but I refused."

"It's better for your grandpa, don't force you to do things you don't like." For this point, Zhuang Yi and Zong Ze are a little envious.

But this kind of treatment is also enviable, so the family forced them to be willful.

The Zong family received a text message from Zong Ze, and all the text messages that were sent later seemed to sink into the ocean, which made the Zong mother even more unhappy.

"What does the second one mean? He has already taken the position of the eldest heir, so what else? Now he doesn't even listen to your words."

Thinking of her eldest son, her eyes turned red, "The eldest son is still alive and dead, how can the second son be so self-willed, it's all my fault."

She also listened to someone's instigation, so she suspected that the two sons had attacked the eldest son, so what happened after investigating? Doesn't this clear the suspicion?

Now the third child directly defected from the family and joined the hostile dark organization, and the second child got the position of the boss but didn't cherish it, which disappointed her too much.

The patriarch held his wife in his arms distressedly, "You were too worried about the sudden disappearance of the boss before, so you doubted them. They were overthinking."

"But he is disobedient and won't come back now. Do you want to let him go?" On the one hand, the mother didn't want the second son to occupy the position of the eldest son, but on the other hand, she felt that the eldest son was not dead, so the position of heir could not fall to other houses. complex.

It would be impossible if she had no feelings for the other two sons, after all, she gave birth to them.

But compared to the eldest son, it is nothing. After all, the eldest son was brought up by her since he was a baby, and he is also the best third generation of the clan.

The patriarch knew what was on her mind. Since the eldest son disappeared, his wife has become more and more fond of digging into corners.

But he loves her, so he doesn't want to see her sad.

"It's okay, I won't let him be willful. I found out that they are going to the Dongshi base to continue looking for ore. I will go to the Dongshi base in two days and bring him back." He gently patted Pat your mother on the back.

"Well, he has no right to be self-willed." Leaning in the arms of the clan father, the clan mother couldn't help but think of the eldest son again, and became even more dissatisfied with the second son.

As for the third child, it hurt her so much that she didn't want to mention it, she just pretended that she had never had such a naughty son.

On the other hand, Zong Ze still doesn't know what his parents said, and if he knows, he probably wants to betray the family like the third child.

After three days, they first arrived at the Dongshi base.

The small town where the energy stone is located must pass through the Dongshi base, and they are just about to go in to inquire about the news.

The Dongshi base is one of the five largest bases in the country, and the entry and exit are much stricter than the Ming city, and the pass needs to be checked.

When the group arrived at the door, only Zong Ze had a pass, and everyone else had to register again.

Because of this, the top management of the Dongshi base and the three relatively strong teams of supernatural beings knew the news of their arrival.

Many people are very curious about Feng Wei, a beauty who made it to dozens of rankings in one day.

As a result, many supernatural beings ran to the entrance of the base, pretending to pass by or watching from the upstairs balcony.

Feng Wei has always been flamboyant, and even in this last age, he never thought of making himself look ugly.

Because of this, Feng Wei attracted many people's attention as soon as he got out of the car.

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