Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1962 Interest Comes

Zhuang Yi has always been watching the excitement and not thinking it's a big deal.

"That's right, it doesn't matter if the clan is your enemy, you still have us."

Of course, this also means that he really regards Zong Ze as one of his own, and what he said is not false.

Qin Zhe and the others also meant the same thing, which made Zongze feel warmer again, and made him even more determined to hang out with everyone.

Huo Xiaoliang then asked: "What's the other thing?"

What can be mentioned by Zongze is definitely not a trivial matter.

Zong Ze replied: "East City used to have a relatively large scientific research institute, which suddenly disappeared for a while before and reappeared a few days ago."

"The high-level management of the base and the Kyoto side have jointly reported and detected through satellites that there are still many signs of life in the research institute, which means that those scientists may still be alive and have not turned into zombies or the like."

"However, after the Academy of Sciences appeared, the people inside did not come out, and no zombies were seen walking around, which is a bit strange."

"Now the base wants to take a closer look at what's going on inside. I think it's an opportunity for us."

Feng Wei immediately understood what he meant, "You mean, we used to look for people at the Academy of Sciences, and if those scientists are still alive, just to see if we can recruit them?"

Zong Ze voted: "That's what I think, we are short of talents."

Then the conversation changed: "But something is not right there now, and I don't know if there is any serious danger, so we have to think about it in the long run."

Feng Wei came a little interested, "Where is the scientific research institute exactly?"

Zong Ze replied: "The Academy of Sciences is in another small city under the jurisdiction of Dongshi City. The Academy of Sciences was just built and moved there last year. At that time, a new district was planned to be built there, but it came to the end of the world before it was completed. gone."

"Why did the Academy of Sciences disappear for a while and then reappear? Have you found this out?" Zhuang Yi asked curiously.

Zong Ze shook his head: "No, some experts said that it might have something to do with the magnetic field. They think that the Academy of Sciences has not disappeared, but because of the changes in the magnetic field, the Institute is invisible to the naked eye. After the magnetic field recovers, we can see it again. "

"This is very possible, and it is also possible that there is a kind of blindness method produced by natural prohibition in the local area." Feng Wei has seen this kind of situation in the book of formations before.

Qin Zhe asked: "Then should we go to the energy stone first, or the scientific research institute first?"

"When will the passport be ready?" Feng Wei asked Zong Ze.

Zong Ze replied: "In about three days, I did it in the name of team cooperation, and I will do it together with other supernatural teams. This way it won't be too ostentatious. Let's go in and find energy stones in a low-key manner." it is good."

"You're right to do this." Feng Wei found that Zong Ze seemed to be more straightforward and rude, but in fact he was very smart, and he was also delicate, thoughtful and cautious in doing things.

She thought for a while and suggested, "Why don't we go to the Academy of Sciences to check the situation first, and if it suits us, we can do it. If it's troublesome, we can wait until we find the energy stone and then go there again."

Huo Xiaoliang said: "I think so too."

Since both of them proposed this, others would naturally not object.

Then Huo Xiaoliang looked at several people and said: "The purification of the energy stone has been completed, you take one of each, and then use it to absorb and refine to improve the ability and strength."

"Okay." The two things to do this time are dangerous, and everyone wants to improve their strength, so it will be safer by then.

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