Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1965 Why I Don't Know?

Everyone is used to Feng Wei's expertise in the things that the Guwu family only knows, and they feel quite proud of it.

Huo Xiaoliang looked at the small flag that had disappeared, and said, "I don't know what's going on inside. Don't tell the news that we can go in later."

It seems that the Dongshi base doesn't attach much importance to this side, but if they can get in, they will definitely not let it go there, so it's better not to expose it.

They are going to poach the wall, there is no need to let others take the lead.

"Yes, keep it secret first." Zhuang Yi was the one who wanted to go in the most.

The others also thought the same, and Zong Ze didn't plan to reveal it to the Zong family.

He fiddled with his phone and said, "I contacted the base and asked about it. The application hasn't come out yet. Let's go back and wait and see."

"Okay, then go back to the base and wait."

The group drove back to the Dongshi base and Zongze's home.

The route they were driving was being followed by people, and all the high-level executives of the base and the relatively powerful supernatural team knew that they had gone to the Academy of Sciences.

Seeing that they turned back on the same day, I guessed that they must have gained nothing like everyone else, so I felt relieved.

This is often the case. If I can't do it, I also hope that others can't do it, otherwise I will feel unbalanced, and I am afraid that others will take advantage of it.

Not two hours after returning to Zongze's residence, people from the base's team of supernatural beings came to visit. Firstly, it was a test, and secondly, they also wanted to form an alliance.

There were also those who wanted to recruit Feng Wei and the others, but they were all rejected by Zhuang Yi.

Zhuang Yi is relatively restrained in the team, with a big temper, wanton hypocrisy, and backbiting.

Those who formed an alliance, he just declined, and those who tried and wanted to accept them were directly sent away by his poisonous tongue.

The people in the team naturally supported him, after all, everyone was annoying those people too.

The senior management of the base came to Zongze more frequently, which made him aware that something was wrong, so he stayed at home and never went out.

The next day, the group had just finished their lunch when there was a knock on the door outside.

Everyone thought it was the supernatural team coming to win them over again, so Zhuang Yi got up impatiently and went to open the door.

When he saw the person outside the door, he was startled, very surprised.

However, he has always had a temper that is not afraid of anything, leaning against the door and raising his eyebrows, he asked, "Is there something wrong with the Patriarch?"

The patriarch frowned, "Is this your attitude towards elders?"

The heir of the Zhuang family is a bit outrageous. He had heard before that Zhuang Yi's personality was rather reckless.

Seeing it now is really true, not the kind of junior that people like.

Zhuang Yi sneered: "When did you become the elder of our dealer, why didn't I know?"

The eccentricity of the clan couple is unknown to everyone in the aristocratic circle in Kyoto.

Now that Zong Ze belongs to them, of course he has to protect him, so he couldn't help but be angry.

The head of the Zong Patriarch frowned even deeper, "Where is Zong Ze?"

The Zhuang family couldn't teach the children well, so he had nothing to do. He had a relatively mediocre relationship with the Zhuang family's senior management, so he chose to ignore it.

Only then did Zhuang Yi step aside, "It's inside, come in."

For Zhuang Yi's anti-customer-oriented behavior, the Patriarch's dislike was added.

He cast a cold glance at Zhuang Yi, and walked in.

When he walked into the living room, he saw Feng Wei and the others sitting and eating fruit. His son was carelessly gnawing on an apple with his legs crossed, and his unhappiness was directly reflected on his face.

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