Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1975 Worth having

After the aircraft was made, Zong Ze picked it up and looked at it.

This is a frisbee-like thing about the size of two palms.

"How do I use this?" He asked curiously.

Feng Wei picked up a flying machine and attached it to her waist, and pressed a red switch, a belt automatically popped up from both sides, wrapped around her waist and buckled it up.

"This is a safety button. If you want to cancel the belt, just keep pressing it for about ten seconds and it will come off."

Then she pressed a black button again, "This is the flight mode, you can see how I operate it."

She stood up and jumped up, and everyone saw her fly straight up.

Zong Ze's house is a large jump floor, the living room is empty above, the floor is more than ten meters high, Feng Wei is flying on it, and can move forward and backward, anyway, it looks very flexible.

If it weren't for everyone knowing that she was flying by means of an aircraft, they would have thought she had the special ability to fly.

Feng Wei taught them how to use it while flying.

After she came down, Zhuang Yi and the others were already eager to move and couldn't help but go on the court in person.

At the beginning, they were quite old-fashioned, either almost hit the roof or the wall, and Qin Zhe even flew on the stairs.

However, because of Feng Wei's careful explanation, their comprehension ability is not bad, and they all have supernatural powers, so they gradually controlled the rhythm and were able to fly with their own movements.

Hua Nuan and Ji Ziyi waited for a few people to run out of energy in five minutes and automatically fall before trying.

They are not in a hurry, but they learn faster, and they are almost in control before the energy is exhausted.

Zhuang Yi untied the aircraft, leaned close to Feng Wei and asked, "I suddenly fell after the energy was exhausted. I felt like there was a traction force. When it fell, it was light and light, and it would not hurt. Is this specially designed?"

"Of course, because the use time of the crystal nucleus is limited, I am also afraid that you will not be able to control the sudden landing from a very high place. Without any protective measures, even a supernatural person may fall to death, so I will save one tenth of the crystal nucleus. The crystal nucleus energy is kept for supply, and a safety setting has been made, no matter when it lands, it will not fall to anyone." Feng Wei nodded.

Zhuang Yi's eyes lit up, "Miao, it's really wonderful."

"Beauty Feng, you are a high-tech talent, and you are also the first person to apply crystal cores to new energy sources, amazing!" He then gave a thumbs up.

Feng Wei smiled: "It's nothing, these are trivial matters."

This kind of aircraft is an obsolete product on their side. If it weren't for the limited materials, she could make it many times better.

"Let's see if you come up with some big moves some other day." Zhuang Yi knew that Feng Wei was not boasting, and this woman would definitely be even stronger.

Feng Wei laughed: "Let's talk about it when we find new materials."

"Okay, I'll wait." Zhuang Yi found out that his choice was too correct, and it would be more promising to hang out with the beautiful woman Feng.

If he proposed that the crystal nucleus be used as an energy source in the Kyoto Base Research Institute to design this kind of aircraft, the people above would definitely say that he is whimsical, and the project may not be approved.

But he witnessed the birth of the aircraft with his own eyes, and the production process was not difficult, just because Feng Wei designed it relatively simple and practical.

"If this thing is put up for sale, the major bases will definitely be rushing to get it." Zong Ze tried out the aircraft once, and he only felt that it was so easy to use and worth having.

I couldn't help it, I ran to eat grilled fish and was delayed, there are two more to continue at 22:30~

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