Several people looked at Feng Wei with excitement and curiosity on their faces.

"Fuck them." Zong Ze shouted even lower.

Those people have been following them without any good purpose.

This time, he knew the captain of the Dongshi base team leader, he was a sinister and cunning despicable villain, and only because he was the brother-in-law of the number three person in the base, he got the right to lead the team by chance.

The other party at the base often wanted to flatter him, and they were very vicious behind their backs. He didn't bother to pay attention to such people, and ignored them every time.

This time he broke away from the family, that guy started to play tricks, and he was the one who ordered the store not to sell to him.

So Feng Wei wanted to make a move, and he was the first to raise his hand in support.

Feng Wei nodded, "Go and hide in the warehouse over there first, and I'll do things later."

"Okay." Now everyone is more convinced of Feng Wei.

After a few people hid in the nearby warehouse, Feng Wei first used the wood-type ability to act on the mutated plants in front of him.

A little bit of mental power guided them to discover the team following them.

The patrolling fourth-level mutated plant was the first to be affected by the spiritual force, making a strange scream, and then rushed towards the road where Feng Wei was.

Feng Wei turned on the aircraft, lifted off and hid behind a beam on the roof.

Just as he was hiding, the fourth-level mutated plant rushed over.

The other mutated plants also quickly pulled their roots out of the ground, chasing after the fourth-level mutated plants.

Seeing this, the fourth-level mutant beast ran over with the little brother without hesitation.

Zong Ze and the others saw this scene when they put their heads out of the warehouse, and couldn't help but sigh again that Feng Wei is amazing.

After Feng Wei landed from the beam, they walked out, "How did you do it?"

"I used the wood ability to give hints to the mutant plants, so they rushed over."

Feng Wei didn't turn off the switch of the aircraft, "Let's go, let's deal with the two inside first."


A group of people flew out from the hole above and flew forward for a while, and sure enough, they saw a big hole on the top of the largest and most important warehouse in front of them.

But the big hole has been blocked by some vines at this time, obviously it was done by the mutant beast inside.

Feng Wei probed with his mental strength, and sensed that there were indeed only two of them, and they were both at level five.

She said to Huo Xiaoliang: "Use lightning to it, and then it's up to you to pester it."

Basically, most plants are afraid of lightning, and so are mutant plants.

"No problem." Huo Xiaoliang activated the lightning ability, and slashed at the vines fiercely.

Sure enough, the mutated plant was afraid of thunder, and was hurt by the bombardment, and all the branches, leaves and vines were collected.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Feng Wei jumped in first.

As soon as she jumped in, a black shadow rushed towards her.

Feng Wei skillfully controlled the aircraft to tilt, and dodged it.

Then she saw clearly that it was a healthy leopard that jumped at her, but she didn't know what it ate, or it was mutated again, the fur on its entire body had turned dark purple, and its body was only about the size of an adult lion Big.

On the other side, there was a huge dark green plant with a few red fruits hanging on it, exuding a delicate fragrance.

It was fighting Huo Xiaoliang at this moment.

The purple leopard was staring at her, with a desire for food bursting out of its eyes, and it kept biting towards her.

It also had lightning bolts on its body, and bolts of lightning shot out from the protruding horns on its forehead, bombarding Feng Wei.

Feng Wei raised his eyebrows, and there was joy in his eyes besides war. It seemed that this purple leopard had not only mutated, not to mention its speed and agility, but it had also awakened its electric light ability, which is very good.

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