Xi Ye is well aware of the character of this cousin, who thinks he is very capable and a bit arrogant, but is greedy for power and decision-making ability but lacks the ability to control. The reality will always teach this white-eyed wolf to be a man.

If it wasn't for the fact that his father and grandfather asked him to take good care of his cousin when the end of the world came, he wouldn't have kept him with him all the time and trained him to be the second in command of the team.

Originally thought that the blood relationship of the closest relatives would make the other party not betray even if he thought carefully. It seems that he still overestimated the blood relationship.

"Just wait and see if you don't believe me." His consciousness gradually became a little fuzzy, and he also guessed that the dagger must have been smeared with poison.

Looking at the brother he brought out in a daze, "You have followed him a long time ago?"

Those who were more loyal to him had already died under the attack of mutant beasts and mutant plants just now.

"Brother Ye, the brothers also want to achieve greater development, and you are too cautious in your usual actions, so when we can develop the team stronger, don't blame everyone." One person usually looks forward to Xi Ye The man said hypocritically.

"Oh, I was wrong about the relationship." He smiled self-deprecatingly.

His younger brother has been sick these days, so he puts his focus on his younger brother, so he neglects the small actions of these people in the team.

Generally speaking, he still didn't expect these people to betray so thoroughly, and they betrayed just for a small profit, which is very funny.

If they hadn't acted cautiously, they would have fallen into the trap and been swallowed up by other supernatural teams, and would they have developed into the fifth strongest supernatural team in the base?

These people are fascinated by power, and it is useless to say anything, and he doesn't want to say anything to the betrayer to repay his hatred with virtue.

"I'm just waiting to see you die." After struggling to finish the last sentence, Xi Ye fell heavily on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Seeing Xi Ye fall down, his cousin and the team members breathed a sigh of relief, and the initial guilt was replaced by the excitement of the power they were about to get.

"My cousin is dead, does what you said before count?" The young man looked at the captain and asked.

The captain smiled: "Naturally, the other two groups had more casualties. After returning, I will support you to sit in the first supernatural team of the base. Don't worry."

He despised these people very much, but it was enough to be his dog.

"Okay, I believe in you, when we are developed, we will not forget you." The young man nodded.

The captain swept Xi Ye who was on the floor and sneered in his heart. Anyone who didn't know how to fight against him would die.

He didn't bother to make up the knife anymore, he knew the poison in his heart, it was absolutely impossible to survive, and when those mutant beasts appeared, they would naturally eat this guy.

"Let's go, let's go ahead and have a look, we can't let Zongze and the others find the ore and take it away." The captain waved his hand.

The others also stepped up quickly.

On the other side, Feng Wei's brand of success made a bond with Purple Leopard.

She opened her eyes and took her hand off Zibao's forehead, and Zibao woke up.

But instead of attacking Feng Wei again, he uttered a few deep and intimate growls.

After the bond is formed, its sense of Feng Wei will also undergo an earth-shaking change, it will only feel very close, and will not have any thoughts of betrayal.

Feng Wei stretched out his hand and patted it on the head, "I'll call you Gale from now on."

The speed of this purple leopard is like lightning, and it looks like a gust of wind, so she thought of the name.

Haifeng still liked the name, and rubbed her hand with his head.

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