Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1988 Let's go out and show off

Feng Wei didn't care if he could blind those people's eyes, but seeing his teammates so expectant and excited, it was fun, so just let them go.

She looked at Huo Xiaoliang and asked, "What should we do with those people outside?"

She was referring to the team sent by the base and other teams of supernatural beings.

Huo Xiaoliang thought for a while and said: "Don't keep the team of the dark organization alive, and the other ones who are actively looking for trouble will also be eliminated, and those who are not looking for trouble can be ignored."

Feng Wei nodded: "Okay."

Huo Xiaoliang asked her back, "What are you going to do with the mutated beasts and mutated plants here?"

Feng Wei has always had a flamboyant temperament in doing things, and said with a smile: "Of course I took it with me."

"This will expose your ability to control beasts and tame mutated plants, are you sure?" Huo Xiaoliang didn't care about Feng Wei's exposure, he felt that he could protect her.

Before Feng Wei could reply, Zhuang Yi said first, "It must be exposed, why hide it, how uncomfortable."

He has always been a temperament who does not take too much trouble when watching the excitement, and at the same time, he especially likes to take the initiative to make trouble.

Zong Ze is similar, he is also restless, "That's right, let those people see how awesome our team is, and see if they dare to continue laughing at us behind our backs."

He likes face slapping the most. Although it was Feng Damei who came to fight, they are also in the same team, and they are proud.

Also let his ex-dad know how good his vision is and how good the team he chose, and let those in the Zong family who gossiped about him continue to slap him in the face.

Qin Zhe agreed with both hands, "Yes, yes, I will take it out for them to see in a while, and let them go blind, and then startle them again."

Huo Xiaoliang couldn't help laughing at the temper of the three of them, "You guys are really enough."

Feng Wei laughed: "You guys have already thought about it before I said it."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you." She has always favored her teammates with strength.

"Beauty Feng, we really love you." Zong Ze said with a smile.

Then Huo Xiaoliang threw a stern look at him cryptically, this guy was really outspoken.

Zong Ze was not afraid of him, "Let's go, let's go out and show off."

Huo Xiaoliang glanced at him, "Don't get carried away by the excitement, don't you want anything in this arsenal?"

Hearing what he said, everyone realized that there are a lot of useful ammunition in this arsenal.

Taking out guns and ammunition at will is a great fortune, and it can even arm a strong team.

This is also an important reason why the Dongshi base and the Zong family actively control the small town and do not allow outside forces to intervene.

"Of course, but I'm going to trouble you to take it away, Miss Feng. If you can't fit it, ask Zhuang Yi to decorate it." Zong Ze swept through the arsenal of hundreds of square meters, plus an energy stone that looked like a small mountain.

Feng Wei nodded: "I'll put it away first."

The guns already in it will be eliminated soon, but it doesn't matter, who told her to be a weapon expert, they can be completely transformed.

When she walked around the warehouse, all the things she touched disappeared.

After the warehouse was empty, several people couldn't help but widen their eyes again.

"How big is your space?" Zhuang Yi couldn't help asking.

Feng Wei said truthfully: "Two to three thousand square meters."

She hasn't measured the size, this is an approximate estimate.

This is the largest interspatial ring refined by her uncle, and then given to her, it is not ordinary big, and it also has the effect of freezing time.

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