Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 199 Can't help showing off

Xia Ruo could hear that Mr. Zhai also wanted to poach someone.

She chuckled softly and said, "I'm pretty good at the Second Academy, and I'm quite comfortable with it!"

Mr. Zhai felt a little regretful, and after thinking about it, he asked, "Then do you have any intention of opening a hospital or clinic?"

"The onset of a genetic disease is really too painful. There are still many old guys like me. If they can get timely help, the chance of dying will be much smaller." He sighed.

In the past, an old friend suffered from a chronic genetic disease and often suffered from serious illnesses, and passed away within a few years.

If he had met such an ancient doctor as Xia Ruo back then, his life would have been saved.

Xia Ruo has always insisted on medical skills, and it is also the profession she loves the most. She smiled and replied: "The scale of the hospital is too large. I don't have the energy to open it. I want to open an ancient medical clinic!"

Mr. Zhai's eyes sparkled, "It's good to open an ancient medical clinic!"

"Did you choose the address? If you don't have the qualification certificate, I can take care of it!" If Xia Ruo opens a Chinese medicine clinic, I don't know how many people it will benefit.

Xia Ruo didn't expect the old man to be so enthusiastic and caring about this matter, so she laughed: "I have a lot of things on hand recently, and I will build a Chinese medicine clinic after I deal with each one. Now I only have one idea, and I haven't made any plans yet. .”

Mr. Zhai said with a smile: "It's okay, it's not bad to think about it first, planning and other things can be done very quickly!"

"No matter what, leave it to me if you want to apply for a certificate. My son just takes care of this. We absolutely trust your medical skills!" He was afraid that Xia Ruo would give up his mind later, so he struck while the iron was hot.

Xia Ruo didn't refuse the other party's kindness either. Opening a clinic requires a lot of formalities and qualification certificates. With the help of the Zhai family, it can save a lot of trouble.

"Then trouble Grandpa Zhai!"

Mr. Zhai waved his hand, "Why are you being polite, it's just a trivial matter!"

"In the future, if anyone bullies you, or encounters difficulties, you can come to me or Jun Yan and the others." The old man liked Xia Ruo more, and it was obvious that she was not the kind of person who would not be willing to swallow a snake.

Xia Ruo nodded: "Okay!"

After sitting for a while, Xia Ruo took out two boxes of tea and a box of goji berries, "Grandpa Zhai, you can usually drink more of this tea and goji berries, it's better for your health!"

Old Man Zhai’s eyes lit up, he stretched out his hand to open the tea and goji berries, and said, “So these are Guyuan tea and goji berries. I’ve seen old men Feng and Qin show off before, and now I have the old man myself!”

Especially the old man Feng, after showing off the tofu and watermelon, showing off the tea, and recently showing off the goji berries, it made a bunch of old guys want to beat him up when they saw him recently!

Xia Ruo knows that these old men like to compare, "If Grandpa Zhai likes it, just let Yan Yan and the others come to me to get it at any time!"

Even if the Zhai family didn't care about helping her get the qualification certificate of the Chinese Medicine Center, she still felt it was a favor.

Old Man Zhai smiled and said: "This is not possible, how can you take it for nothing? In the future, you have to collect as much star coins as you want from outsiders, otherwise I will not do it!"

It’s a shame to take it twice for nothing, but whoever is ashamed to take it a few more times, it’s better to give money for a long time, these things can’t be bought even if you have money now, the old man is very smart.

Seeing that he insisted, Xia Ruo smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, then listen to Grandpa Zhai!"

After talking for a while, Zhai Junyan took Xia Ruo out to play.

As soon as they left, Mr. Zhai started calling everywhere.

"Come over for tea."

"What kind of tea? Of course it's the kind that old man Feng brought out. I still have goji berries here."

"You don't care how I came, I just ask if you will come or not!"

Seeing that my grandfather couldn't help showing off just after getting the tea and goji berries, and Zhai Hao's black hair, the hobbies of these old men and women are really special...

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