Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 1991 Let's save it

Zong Ze spent some time at the Dongshi base, and is more familiar with the famous supernatural team.

He recognized who it was from the figure of the person lying down.

"This guy seems to have been betrayed and stabbed by someone from the same team." He had seen other members of Xi Ye before, so lying here is the only possibility.

Feng Wei asked: "Do you know him?"

"I know. He is the captain of a supernatural team in the Dongshi base. His strength ranks fifth. He is more cautious and introverted. The team's success depends entirely on him."

"He and I are barely acquaintances. His character is good. Not only will he not bully the weak, but he will often help the old, disabled, sick and weak in the base in private."

Zong Ze paused and said: "He has the special ability of farsightedness, he can see what is around a distance of about 500 meters, even through a wall."

"It should be his credit that those people were able to follow us more accurately to avoid danger before." He added.

"This special ability is quite good." Feng Wei nodded.

Zong Ze had a good impression of Xi Ye, so he asked, "Did we save him?"

"Okay, you've been with him before, since you know his character is fine, then save him." Feng Wei nodded.

Zong Ze stepped forward quickly, turned Xi Ye over, and sniffed his breath, "The breath is very weak, he is about to die."

Feng Wei is not good at seeing a doctor, but from Xi Ye's bluish face, it can be seen that this person may have been poisoned, and he must have been seriously injured.

"Yiyi, help to see if he can be saved." She turned her head and said to Ji Ziyi.

Ji Ziyi nodded: "Okay."

She went up to check on Xi Ye and said: "He is poisoned, because he was seriously injured and the spread of the toxin was accelerated. If it continues, he will definitely die in about ten minutes."

"According to his physical condition, other people should be dead, but it seems that there is some kind of strength to support him. He has a strong desire to survive." She added.

Hearing her words, Feng Wei thought for a while and asked, "Can you save me?"

Ji Ziyi replied truthfully: "My ability can only heal his injuries, but cannot detoxify him. Unless there is some antidote herbal medicine, I can refine it and use the ability to integrate into his body to detoxify."

This person was also stabbed by a teammate, which made her feel a little bit of sympathy.

Feng Wei searched for space, and sure enough, he found some herbs that can detoxify.

She moved out of the space in every way, "Can you see if there is anything here that can help him detoxify?"

Ji Ziyi knelt down, finally picked up a medicinal herb with yellow flowers and said, "This should work, I'll try it."

"Okay." Feng Wei nodded.

Ji Ziyi stretched out her hand and tore off the shirt on Xi Ye's body, lifted up the trouser leg of her right foot, and took out a scalpel from a small bag tied to it.

Using a knife to scrape off the place where Xi Ye was corroded by the toxin, and crushed the medicinal materials, a trace of light blue light appeared on his hand to hold and wrap it.

Soon drops of green liquid fell from her hand, and all fell into the wound.

Then she placed both hands on Xi Ye's wound with the blue light on, and began to heal him.

Everyone saw that the wound on Xi Ye's body healed little by little, and it didn't look like he had been injured before.

That's why they discovered something in shock.

"Is Yiyi still a supernatural user of the healing department?" Qin Zhe couldn't help but blurt out, with a certain tone in his tone.

After all, none of them are healers, and Ji Ziyi can't copy them, let alone copy other people's abilities in the base. Judging from the previous copying time, it would have expired long ago.

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