Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2000 I'll Help You Get It Done

Huo Xiaoliang and Zhuang Yi couldn't help but smile, Qin Zhe's resentment would probably continue forever.

Hua Nuan smiled and comforted him, "Brother Qin, you might awaken your second ability at some point, and besides, your fire ability is almost at level four, which is much better than many dual-element abilities."

Don't look at the people in their team, except for Qin Zhe, who either have special abilities or have abilities of two, three, or even four elements. It seems that multi-element abilities are worthless.

But this is definitely the only one in comparison with other teams of supernatural beings.

Although it has been half a year since the end of the world, not to mention more than two-line, the rate of people awakening single-line abilities is not high. Thousands or even a few people come out, and it is estimated that only one can be awakened.

With Qin Zhe's strong fire ability, he can be the leader of the captain if he gets it outside.

Qin Zhe smiled helplessly and said, "I hope, it's better to be warm."

The others just read his jokes, and Nuannuan knew how to comfort him.

Seeing him like this, Feng Wei smiled and said: "Okay, don't you just want to awaken more abilities, after you start building the city, if you perform well, I will help you."

Qin Zhe's talent is c+ level mental strength and physical fitness, which is considered very good.

She discovered that there was another elemental energy in his body that could be stimulated. When the time came, she would drink a bottle of genetic modification potion for him, pile up to B-level talent, and it would be no problem to give birth to another series of abilities.

"What? Can you help me awaken a series of abilities?" Qin Zhe stared at Feng Wei with wide eyes, "Beauty Feng, I take what you said seriously."

Feng Wei looked at him amusedly and said, "Why am I lying to you, I can definitely help you, don't worry."

"Can you help people awaken multi-line abilities? So awesome?" Qin Zhe also knows Feng Wei's temperament during this period of time together, and she never speaks falsely to fool people.

Zong Ze, Zhuang Yi and the others also stared at her fixedly, and asked with surprise: "Beauty Feng, you are too awesome, how can you do this?"

Feng Wei smiled softly: "I have something that can help people improve their genetic talents. After taking it, Qin Zhe will be able to stimulate the potential in his body, and there is great hope that he will awaken another series of abilities."

There are a lot of genetic modification agents in her space, and she thought about giving each teammate a bottle of modification before.

It's just that their physical fitness and mental strength are not as strong as Huo Xiaoliang's, and the effect will be better if they have to improve their strength.

Of course, I also wanted to observe them more before.

Huo Xiaoliang immediately understood when he heard him say that, "Are you talking about giving me that liquid before?"

Feng Wei nodded: "That's right, before your body couldn't bear the energy of the demon flower and you might explode, so I gave it to you to improve your genetic talent, that is, your mental strength and physical fitness, to a higher level. bear it."

"I successfully turned against the demon flower and turned its ability into my own use. Does it have something to do with that liquid?" After taking that liquid, Huo Xiaoliang also became stronger in mental strength and comprehension, so he turned against the demon flower. Power swallows up what is used for itself.

If it hadn't been changed to before the promotion, he felt that even if he devoured the demon flower, he would at most absorb the opponent's energy to improve his strength, but it was impossible to use the devouring ability for himself.

Feng Wei said with a smile: "The improvement of your genetic talent will definitely have an impact, but the key point is your tenacity and comprehension. It would be difficult for other people to do it."

Hearing her praise himself, Huo Xiaoliang smiled, "Anyway, it's all thanks to the liquid, it's really a good thing."

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