Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2008 Too Deceitful

"I don't know about others, but we can definitely plant them here."

In addition to sweeping up vegetables and fruits on the farm, Feng Wei also collected the seeds and the soil from the fairy vines.

"Can you sell me some watermelon seeds?" Bu Xu is also a person who doesn't like to wrong himself. He thinks this watermelon is very delicious, so he wants to bring some seeds back for the family to see.

Feng Wei smiled: "It's not a problem to sell some seeds to you, but the current soil quality, if you take it back, you probably won't be able to grow it."

Because the fall of the meteorite affected the entire life star, humans and animals would become zombies, and the land would naturally be polluted.

The major bases are now opening up land to grow crops, but they can't grow them, or they will mutate and taste bad.

For example, after the wheat has been mutated, the color of the steamed buns made looks whiter, but it is a bit hard to bite, and there is not much fragrance left, which only has the effect of filling the stomach.

The rice is similar. It is grown in the base. She has changed some and tasted it. It is either very hard or very soft. The rice has no fragrance.

There are even fewer varieties of vegetables and fruits that can be grown. Therefore, in addition to development, the major bases are allowing plant agriculture experts to improve and so on.

After Bu Xu's question, Feng Wei had a good idea.

Bu Xu didn't give up either, "Try it, if it doesn't grow, forget it."

"Okay, I have some watermelon seeds here, but what are you going to buy from me?" Feng Wei asked with a smile seeing him not giving up.

Bu Xu thought for a while, "Will the crystal nucleus work?"

They didn't bring any good things when they came out, the most were the crystal nuclei they beat along the way.

"Yes, five watermelon seeds for one third-level crystal nucleus." Feng Wei shouted.

Hearing what she said, a member of the Bu family couldn't help but said: "It's too expensive. Now one crystal nucleus can exchange a lot of food, and you only exchange five watermelon seeds."

It's completely deceitful, but he didn't say this sentence.

Feng Wei raised his eyebrows, looking as if you want to buy it or not, "Then you can go to exchange for food. My watermelon seeds are unique, and I will definitely not sell them at a low price."

The seeds in her space are all good products, and they also have their own spiritual energy, not to mention in this world, they can't be found even in the high-level civilization star field.

Bu Xu laughed: "No problem, I want thirty."

The third-level crystal nucleus can still find zombies to kill, but I missed the watermelon seeds, and I will not be able to buy them after that.

Seeing that the young master had said that, that person could only hold back what he had to say.

Seeing how straightforward he was, Feng Wei took out 30 watermelon seeds from the interspatial ring and gave him a small bucket of soil after thinking about it, "Scatter a few watermelon seeds and mix them with this soil Plant it in the ground and try it, it should be successful."

Bu Xu took the small bucket, grabbed the mud inside and looked carefully, and found that there seemed to be spiritual energy in it.

His eyes lit up, "Can you buy me some of this kind of soil?"

This is definitely a good thing, worth more than watermelon seeds.

And he has a feeling that if this kind of soil is mixed with polluted soil and planted, the food and other things grown may be normal, and watermelons can also be grown.

Feng Wei shook his head: "I won't sell it, I don't have much of this soil, so I'll give you a bucket because you're more straightforward in doing things."

"Go back and look around first. If we succeed in occupying this place, we will also open up land for planting. Whether it is food or vegetables and fruits, I'm sure the taste will be very good, and we can sell some to you at that time."

She threw a kind of bait to the soil, and Bu Xu knew the effect after taking it back and using it, and then took the initiative to come to buy other ones.

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