Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2014 too confident

If you want the scientists of the Academy of Sciences to stay, the key point is to convince the dean.

Sure enough, after listening to the dean, he looked deeply at Feng Wei.

Feng Wei let him look at it frankly, and pointed to the mutated beasts and mutated plants in front of the gully, "President Tan, they will all become the backbone to protect this place in the future."

After she finished speaking, she snapped her fingers, and the mutated beasts and mutated plants responded one after another. They immediately put away their fierce appearances towards the people from the base, and sat where they were like obedient babies.

Obviously, Feng Wei's command to snap his fingers worked.

Dean Tan was amazed, "Captain Feng's special ability is really strong, I really have a lot of experience."

Some of the members of their Academy of Sciences have also awakened their abilities, but compared to Feng Wei, they are obviously much weaker.

Feng Wei smiled and said: "We don't plan to change the original things when we build the city. For example, the Academy of Sciences will remain as it is. We also need talents like Dean Tan and you. I don't know if you are interested in staying and doing it together. What about research?"

Dean Tan had heard the two introduce mutant beasts and plants as guards before, so he roughly guessed that they wanted them to stay.

He thought for a while and said with some embarrassment: "We have to think carefully about this before we can make a decision."

They were not familiar with Feng Wei, and had only heard of Zhuang Yi. Although they were really reluctant to give up on this Academy of Sciences, he did not dare to make the decision to stay.

In their minds, it was clear that the people at the Dongshi base were more formal and reliable.

Feng Wei also knew what they were thinking, this is human nature.

"Professor Tan, I'll call the leader of the Dongshi base here. You talk to him first, then give me a chance to talk, and finally make a choice, how about it?"

She added, "No matter which side you choose, we will never force it."

This is completely a conspiracy, and it is a more aboveboard competition, which makes Professor Tan have a good impression of her.

"Yes." He nodded.

Feng Wei released a few more metal balls and built a metal bridge on both sides of the ravine. Such an ability saw more than 20 scientists.

"Come over and talk to Dean Tan." Feng Wei said to the leader of the base generously.

The leader did not expect Feng Wei to be so generous, and he was relieved, "Okay, thank you Miss Feng for the opportunity."

As long as Feng Wei can be like what she said before and now, he has full confidence in convincing Dean Tan and others.

He didn't bring many people here, he only brought a few relatively strong supernatural beings as escorts.

Professor Tan thought for a while and said, "Let's go in and talk."

"Okay!" Both parties had no opinion.

Feng Wei asked Bu Xu, "Are you going in?"

Bu Xu has no interest in poaching scientists. Their ancient martial arts family does not rely on technology. "No, you go in and talk. We will continue to study restrictions outside."

Although the natural restriction here has been broken, there are still a lot left, and they need to study it carefully.

"Okay, then you study first." Feng Wei didn't want the Gu Wu family to interfere, so he had a better impression of Bu Xu.

People on both sides followed Dean Tan into the Academy of Sciences, and there was a conference room on the first floor.

Feng Wei said: "You go in and talk first, and we'll talk to Dean Tan after we're done."

The leader felt that Feng Wei was still a little too young, or that Feng Wei was too confident, so he asked them to talk first, which was entirely to create opportunities for them.

"Okay, please wait a moment, Miss Feng." He made a gesture of invitation to Dean Tan, and the group entered the meeting room first.

It was written that I was very hungry, so I couldn't resist ordering a takeaway hot pot. It was delicious, but I guess I'm going to gain weight again. I've gained several kilograms in the past two months. Huh~~~23:10 Continue left and right~

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