Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2016 Wouldn't that be too much of a disadvantage?

Dean Tan didn't care much about the benefits promised by the leaders of the base.

Instead, he was more tempted to provide the most advanced equipment and some new substances found so far.

With the end of the world coming, so many people have turned into zombies, and many people are fleeing in various dire straits, Dean Tan is very heartbroken.

He hopes to lead his own research team to do his best for the country and the living people.

Feng Wei and the others belonged to scattered organizations. Even if the city was built around this Academy of Sciences, no matter how many other resources were provided, it was not what they needed.

So he actually felt that there was no need to waste too much time to continue talking. It was only because they made a lot of effort to enter here that he respected them more and gave them a chance to talk to each other.

Feng Wei knows that such people are not easy to impress, and he also appreciates their dedication to the country and the people.

"Providing benefits and resources is too shallow, and that's not what I'm talking to Professor Tam about."

Feng Wei directly took out a bottle of genetic modification liquid from the space, "Professor Tan, this is a genetic modification potion. After taking it, it can improve the level of human mental strength and physical fitness. After drinking it, people without supernatural powers will also It is easy to stimulate the potential awakening ability in the body."

"What?" Professor Tan and the others looked at the medicine bottle in her hand in amazement.

One of the middle-aged men asked: "This is what you said, how can we believe it?"

"You can experiment and verify what I said." Feng Wei paused and said, "This medicine does not have any side effects, you can let people take it now and try the effect."

Hearing what Feng Wei said, Zhuang Yi and the others were in pain.

"Beautiful Feng, let them drink it directly, isn't it a pity to waste it?" Zhuang Yi tugged at the corner of Feng Wei's clothes.

They haven't drank yet. If these people drink and run away, wouldn't it be too much of a disadvantage.

Feng Wei smiled reassuringly: "Your share will not be used up, don't worry."

Seeing their painful faces, Dean Tan and the others changed from unbelief to half-belief.

But this is medicine, and testing medicine is risky, who would dare to use it?

"Come on, I'll do an experiment for you." Seeing that the other party was still hesitant, Qin Zhe stepped forward and said, "Beauty Feng, bring me a bottle."

He has a hundred beliefs in Feng Wei's stuff.

Feng Wei originally wanted to give Qin Zhe the potion, so he smiled and handed it to him directly, "Okay, then you can give them the white mouse now."

"I wonder if Professor Tan is interested in you?" She then asked.

Professor Tan said with a smile: "If this potion really has the effect you said, we are naturally interested."

If this medicine is popularized and produced, it will bring about great changes to mankind, and it will be better able to adapt and survive the difficult environment in the last days.

Several young scientists looked at the potion in Qin Zhe's hand with some curiosity. They all had not yet awakened their abilities.

If this potion really has the effect of awakening abilities, of course they are eager.

In order to better control Qin Zhe's physical condition, Professor Tan thought for a while and said: "We have inspection equipment upstairs, let Xiao Qin check it first, and then check it again to see the comparison data after drinking the medicine."

This way they can feel more at ease.

"No problem." Feng Wei said.

She took out soil and some vegetable and fruit seeds from the space ring, "You can also study this together. This soil can grow normal food. These seeds of mine are also improved varieties."

Then he took out a stack of material biology materials and handed it to Dean Tan, "You can take a look at this first, and then go to Qin Zhe for an examination."

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