Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2018 eyes are straight

When Feng Wei heard what the leader said, he immediately guessed what the leader was thinking.

She gave Zong Ze a look, and the other party opened the door knowingly, "What are you doing?"

The leader squeezed in, and was relieved to see Professor Tan and the others sitting comfortably.

He smiled and said, "I'll just see if you've finished talking."

Professor Tan is also a smart person, and he knew what he meant, "Not yet, we are going to do an experiment, please wait a little longer."

He had already decided in his heart to stay, because the materials and things Feng Wei presented were too tempting.

It's just that he's not sure what the others mean, so he'll ask later.

The leader felt a bad feeling inexplicably, "Do the experiment? Why don't you go back to the base to do it? The equipment over there is more advanced."

"No, we'll do it now, you wait." Professor Tan shook his head.

Then someone picked up the soil and seeds on the table, and took Feng Wei and his party upstairs to conduct experiments.

Although the Academy of Sciences has been out of power for a long time, they have made a lot of solar panels to generate electricity for their own use.

The equipment above was energized quickly, and Qin Zhe was then given a full-body examination.

Several other people took the soil and seeds given by Feng Wei to check.

Qin Zhe's physical examination results soon came out, and he was in good health, so he drank the bottle of genetic modification liquid without hesitation.

Seeing this, Feng Wei said, "After half an hour, it will gradually have an effect."

"Okay, Xiao Qin, you can sit here and rest for a while, and we will check on you in half an hour." Professor Tan nodded and said to Qin Zhe.

Qin Zhe would naturally not object.

Soon, the people who tested the soil quality and seeds came back.

"Teacher, there is an active factor in this soil, which is conducive to the survival of crops and the growth of crops. That is to say, the food and vegetables planted with this soil will be of high quality."

The middle-aged man wearing glasses said excitedly: "These seeds have also been tested to exceed the excellent standard. The quality of the things planted must be very good."

Professor Tan was very surprised. He knew that after the end of the world, the quality of the soil has also changed, and it is basically difficult to grow things. It all depends on the help of wood-type supernatural beings.

And the taste of the plant is extremely bad, it can only fill the stomach.

Because the end of the world is coming, they are trapped here. Before the food they had stored was almost exhausted, the people on their side also opened up a few farmlands to plant crops. This is all personal experience.

Now with these soils and these seeds, the quality of the things that come out will definitely be completely different.

Seeing that they were excited, Feng Wei took out some vegetables and fruits from the space, "This is what they grow."

Seeing the vegetables and fruits on the table, several doctors who specialize in biological agriculture stared straight at them, picking them up and looking at them.

"It's really amazing. Vegetables and fruits of this quality can still be grown now, even before the end of the world."

"The magic is still this kind of soil."

The middle-aged man couldn't help looking at Feng Wei and asked: "Miss Feng, where did you get this soil? Can you continue to dig?"

Feng Wei replied: "I got this soil by accident at the beginning of the end of the world. I dug all the soil I found and put it in the space. It is impossible to find it in other places."

This was dug up from the planet where the Federation is located. This piece of life star must not be found, and it is not a lie.

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