Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2021 The effect is not so good

Feng Wei was not surprised that after taking the genetic modification liquid, he would awaken the wood ability so quickly.

Before her wood-type ability, she felt that the wood-type factor in his body was more active, that is, because of his poor physical fitness, this hindered the awakening of the ability.

Walking over, she randomly grabbed two strawberry seeds and threw them into the soil. She said to the man, "Try if you gave birth."

Then he also taught him how to use wood abilities more reasonably.

The young man nodded, and used Feng Weijiao's method to use the wood-type power to act on the seeds in the soil.

Soon everyone saw that the seeds took root and germinated quickly, green leaves grew little by little, and finally red and big strawberries came out.

"Awesome." Seeing this scene, Zong Ze and others felt that these two words were the only words to describe it.

At the same time, my heart is extremely hot. It seems that the effect of this genetic modification liquid is not so good.

The people of the Academy of Sciences were completely stunned when they saw this.

They are researchers themselves, and it is reasonable to say that they should have a relatively high acceptance of such a situation, but the current situation has really broken their cognition, and they are all dumbfounded.

Professor Tan was the first to react, and his eyes became a little fiery, "Okay, the effect of this genetic modification liquid is really great."

The young man echoed excitedly, "Yes, the effect is great. Not only have I awakened the wood-type abilities, but I also feel that my mental strength and physical fitness have improved a little bit."

The others recovered from the shock at this time, and some even regretted why they didn't take the initiative to try it just now, otherwise would it be themselves who would awaken their abilities?

Because of this, some people couldn't help asking: "Miss Feng, can I try this genetic modification liquid again?"

This question also asked everyone's aspirations.

Zhuang Yi and the others were not very happy, they haven't tried it yet.

Feng Wei said with a smile: "I don't have a lot of genetic modification liquid in my hand. It has already shown results just now, so I won't try it for the time being."

Then he changed the topic and said: "However, if you are interested in staying, as long as you make contributions to the city we built in the future, you will be rewarded with a bottle of genetic modification liquid. obviously."

This is the reason why she took out the genetic modification liquid, making it the straw that overwhelmed these people who wanted to stay.

Hearing what she said, the originally disappointed person became active again.

"Miss Feng, do you mean that taking the genetic modification liquid may not necessarily awaken the ability?" Someone asked.

Feng Wei nodded: "Yes, if there is no supernatural factor in the potential of the body, the genetic modification fluid can only improve physical fitness and mental strength, but cannot awaken supernatural abilities."

"However, the chance of awakening after taking it is still very high, about 70% or more." Now that the world is changing, and the bodies of people here are also constantly changing, it is also the best time to trigger the supernatural power.

In a few years, when everyone's body fully adapts to the environment of this magnetic field change, the potential in the body will not be so easily stimulated.

"Over 70% is also very strong." Everyone in the Academy of Sciences was very enthusiastic.

Professor Tan and his students agreed to stay, and nine others hesitated.

"Is there anything you can't let go of?" Feng Wei saw their entanglement.

One of them sighed, "My family members are still outside, and I don't know what's going on now. The high-level executive at the Dongshi base promised us that as long as we work in the research institute of the base, they can help us find our relatives. "

"Yeah, I still have a wife and children, I can't selfishly leave them alone." The other person was also quite distressed.

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