Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2023 I did it on purpose

The leader of the Dongshi base changed his face several times, but he still couldn't help but sink.

Their main targets were Professor Tan and his students, but now none of these people followed, how would he explain when he went back?

"Professor Tan, have you really thought it through?" He couldn't help asking, "Is someone threatening you?"

Professor Tan wanted to give Feng Wei some eye drops when he heard him in public, and compared Feng Wei's frankness just now, his dislike for this man was even deeper.

"No one threatened us. This is our own choice, so don't worry about it." He said lightly.

The leader still couldn't hold back, and kept pestering Professor Tan to hope that the other party would reconsider, even with hints of threat.

In the end, Professor Tan got annoyed by pestering him, so he just flung his sleeves and left.

Others followed suit, and their impression of the leader became less favorable.

After comparing with Feng Wei, I feel that this person is inferior.

Seeing a group of people throwing their sleeves and leaving, the leader almost died of anger.

If it weren't for Feng Wei and the others staring at him intently, he would have ordered these stubborn guys to be tied back.

Feng Wei narrowed his eyes and raised his eyebrows at this person and asked, "We have agreed before that we respect the choices of Professor Tan and others. You don't want to change your mind, do you?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Zhuang Yi and the others gathered a few of them up, as if if you wanted to change your mind, you wouldn't even think about getting out from here.

The leader was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, these guys are too shameless.

But he was not sure that he would be able to get out of these people smoothly, and he had indeed promised to respect the choices of Professor Tan and others before, so he said aggrievedly: "Of course I won't change my mind."

The more he thinks about the things that are clearly guaranteed, the more he will not be reconciled.

I was even more curious about what Feng Wei and the others said to Professor Tan, and what experiments they did, which made the other party change their attitude.

Seeing the appearance of Professor Tan and others, they were already completely on Feng Wei's side, which made him very depressed and puzzled.

"In that case, then we won't keep you as guests, please." Feng Wei raised his hand as a gesture of invitation.

"..." The leader really wanted to say, this is not your chassis yet, who should be disturbed by such an appearance of master.

"Then I'll take my leave." But he couldn't do anything now, he could only finish with a half-smile, and then left with his own people and the three researchers.

The people on the other side had been waiting anxiously for a long time, and they were relieved to see them come out.

After the leader led the people across the metal bridge, Feng Wei immediately retracted the bridge and turned it into a metal ball.

Looking at the three scientific researchers who were being escorted into the car on the other side, Zhuang Yi looked at Feng Wei and asked, "Why did you let those three people leave? They know everything about the previous conversation."

"Yeah, especially the effect of the genetic modification fluid, they have witnessed it with their own eyes, what if they go out and talk about it?" Zong Ze asked in confusion.

They didn't think that those three people would deliberately help conceal these things. Now that they choose to leave, there are nine out of ten people from some families in Kyoto or Dongshi base, and the news will definitely leak out.

If the major bases knew that Feng Wei had such a powerful thing as genetic modification fluid, they would be so envious, they might send all kinds of powerful teams to grab it.

If the major bases are united by then, will they be able to handle it?

Feng Wei knew what they were worried about, and said with a smile, "I know, I did it on purpose."

Today's update is over, thank you for your rewards and votes ^3^

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