Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2040 Can you still go to war?

Soon the third wave of people began to rush again.

But what no one expected was that thorns and mutated insects grew and drilled out from the ground again. The cooperation was very coordinated, and many people were hung on the vines or poisoned by insect bites.

This scene made Zuo Yu and the others blush. What kind of gameplay is this? Can we still start a war?

"Feng Wei, do you dare to have a duel between people? Is it interesting to fight with these things?" Zuo Yu wanted to go crazy.

More than a hundred people were abolished without any progress on their side, and they were mourned at the beginning, which made them very uncomfortable.

Feng Wei drank the wine leisurely, and said slowly: "We think it's very interesting."

"That's right, watching you perform like monkeys, it's not a pleasant feeling." Zhuang Yi sipped his red wine and chuckled.

Zong Ze also shook his glass with a smile, "It's the first time I've watched a theater while drinking red wine, not to mention it's very tasty."

"..." The actions and words of a few people made the people on the other side even more mad. These guys are so annoying.

"Come on, go directly to the fifth group this time, I don't believe that I can't take down a small shore." Zuo Yu said coldly.

This time, there were not only supernatural beings, but also soldiers with weapons and flamethrowers.

Everyone rushed up, Zhuang Yi also stood up, raised his hand and moved.

Suddenly, the water in the creek in the gully rose violently, forming a waterfall, and then drenched all the attackers with a splash.

The fire of the flamethrower was also all extinguished by water.

Taking advantage of this juncture, the mutated insect swarm formed a counterattack, and quickly drilled densely from the soil, this time directly under the feet of these people, submerging them one by one.

But it didn't kill anyone. After being submerged, it took a few bites and then withdrew, leaving the poisoned person lying on the ground half dead.

What's more, this time, a big spider emerged from the ground, spinning silk at the supernatural beings and soldiers to entangle them, and a person was wrapped in place like a mummy.

The people on Zuo Yu's side looked at the densely packed insects, and their scalps couldn't help but feel a little numb.

They couldn't help but want to scold, this method of defense with mutated insects was too cheating.

Zuo Yu couldn't hold back, and made people retreat one after another, and then attacked with artillery.

Hua Nuan let the insects hide in the ground again.

"Put a layer of metal on the ground, and don't let them come out again." Zuo Yu also reacted, and immediately ordered the metal-type supernatural beings on their side.

They brought a lot of metal.

While bombarding, these metal-type supernatural beings teamed up to break it into pieces of metal plates, which were firmly pressed on the ground, so that the mutated insects could no longer get out, and the thorns could no longer grow.

Seeing this, Zhuang Yi approached Feng Wei and asked with a smile, "Are you going to blow it up?"

Just kidding, Feng Wei's metal ability is so awesome, it's a trivial matter, he can knock the opponent's metal plate away with just a random move.

Feng Wei pursed her lips, "Don't use it for now, just play with them more."

Zhuang Yi and the others also showed playful eyes, "That's right, let them see more of our other methods, otherwise they will think that we will only be the same."

Zuo Yu and the others didn't hear Feng Wei and the others' conversation, and he was relieved when he saw the metal plates covering the ground.

Soon, three waves of people rushed.

This time, there were really no thorns and mutated insects. Not only Zuo Yu was relieved, but even the people in the charge and the rear couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise they really don't know how to continue.

Unfortunately, it was too early for them to relax.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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