Feng Wei and the others had long been on guard against the people of the dark organization. Their bullets came, and Huo Xiaoliang stood up.

He raised his hand casually, and soon a bottomless vortex appeared in front of him.

All the powerful bullets were swallowed by the vortex he unleashed.

"What? Huo Xiaoliang's devouring ability is so strong."

Most of the people who came here had bought news from the shadow organization, knowing that Huo Xiaoliang had obtained the devouring ability of the demon flower.

But I really didn't expect it to be so powerful. Being able to swallow so many bullets is absolutely impossible for other supernatural beings.

After the people from the dark organization jumped in fright, their faces were extremely gloomy.

"Vote, we must take down Feng Wei and the others." The leader thought for a while and signaled to the person who brought them.

The other was still a little hesitant. "Captain, after the vote is cast, we are afraid that we will be listed as public enemies of all bases around the world."

Although they are also standing on the opposite side of the base, they haven't reached the point of life and death. It seems that they can mix with other teams to catch fish this time.

The captain said with a sullen face: "Anyway, they are already public enemies, and let the world know about these weapons from today on."

After the research, it is necessary to use it. The purpose of their organization is to rule the world.

If you can catch Feng Wei and get the genetic modification fluid, exposure will be nothing at all.

Seeing his firm attitude, the others could only nod their heads, "Yes."

Then several people quickly returned to their car, and took down a lot of bows and arrows from above, as well as some round sealed bottles, which contained some liquid and gas.

The captain was the first to pick up a bow and arrow, put a round bottle on it and shot towards the opposite bank.

Zuo Yu and the others were a little curious when they saw this scene, what are these dark people trying to do?

Are those bottles filled with poison? Otherwise, what's the use of throwing it over.

Zhuang Yi's face changed when he saw the bottle being shot, "This is a biochemical weapon, and it's full of viruses."

Although he didn't study this area, he had been in contact with it before.

Hearing Zhuang Yi's words, everyone's expressions also changed.

Biochemical weapons have always been a taboo topic for everyone. Not to mention the power, the point is that it is too inhumane.

Before the end of the world, there was a convention on the planet that prohibited the use of biological and chemical weapons, otherwise it would be restricted.

Not to mention Zhuang Yi and the others, even Zuo Yu and others did not expect that the dark organization would have developed a biochemical weapon, and all of them frowned.

Although they wanted to take down Feng Wei and the others, they really didn't want to use this method.

Even if it is Zuo Yu, even if the three views are not so righteous, but he is very disgusted with biochemical weapons, thinking that after this time, the connection between the family and the dark organization will be severed.

Feng Wei is also aware of biochemical weapons. She has checked her mother's deeds before, and among them, she solved a poisoning incident of a large star field bandit group, which is also a type of biochemical weapon.

Looking at the round bottle flying over, Feng Wei thought for a while and said to Qin Zhe: "I will use my mental power to condense the virus produced after the explosion, and you will burn it with fire."

"After burning, I'll devour the rest." Huo Xiaoliang added.

This thing can't be allowed to explode here. Once the virus spreads, this place will be useless, and those mutated animals and mutated plants will also suffer.

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