Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2049 How did she do it?

The weapons are gone, the people who brought them were injured, and most of them were quickly wiped out. How can we fight?

Especially when they saw Changsheng and Blast Wind displaying their strength at the fifth level, everyone was stunned.

"The mutated beasts and mutated plants that Feng Wei subdued are actually level 5. How did she do it?"

She is only at level four, how can she subdue level five? Unscientific, very unscientific.

"Pervert, this woman is a pervert."

"Two fifth-level mutant beasts and mutant plants, and bring so many younger brothers, how to fight?" Someone just exclaimed.

Then Feng Wei stood up and waved his hands.

The metal plates on the other side that were originally used to suppress the mutated insects and thorn vines all flew up, and flew towards her in unison, and finally turned into groups of big metal balls.

Even with the three metal bridges on both sides of the ravine, they soon turned into metal balls and landed beside Feng Wei.

Without the suppression of the metal plate, the mutated insects and thorny vines underground became active again.

Wherever it is swept, it will be paralyzed or poisoned one by one, which perfectly matches the mutant beasts and mutant plants.

Seeing this, the rest of the supernatural beings ran away in the direction of the expressway in fright, and some people quickly got into the car and ran away.

All kinds of chaos, so that Zuo Yu and the others couldn't control at all, and under the protection of the adjutant, they were forced to get in the car and run away.

The others are fine, as long as they run away, the mutated plants and mutated beasts don't chase them much.

But the people of the Diablo Organization were miserable, they were completely surrounded, and none of them could escape, and they were killed by the blast in the end.

The fleeing person was even more frightened, and fled faster.

They also expressed their understanding of Feng Wei letting the mutated beast deal with the people of the dark organization so cruelly, and they all felt that it was the other party's methods that were bad.

I am afraid that one day the other party will use this method to deal with them, and at the same time, they will be wary of the dark organization.

About an hour later, the opposite bank was in a mess, with injured or poisoned people lying everywhere on the ground.

The mutated beasts and mutated plants also suffered casualties, and there were many corpses of them on the ground.

As for the others, they would have already run away, otherwise they would end up in the same way.

The people brought by the three families and several major bases focused on snatching Fengwei's genetic modification fluid and bringing them back. They didn't have the intention of killing them.

That's why Feng Wei didn't let the mutant beasts and plants kill them.

Judging from the situation of the survivors taken in by the major bases, they have done a good job. The army has been searching for and rescuing survivors.

Feng Wei didn't want them to become public enemies of the major bases.

So the mutated plants rolled up the injured and poisoned people and threw them on the highway one after another. Those who escaped would definitely come to take them back for treatment in the end.

After this battle, the hidden danger was almost resolved, Feng Wei continued to ask Chang Sheng and Hai Feng to take the younger brother to the mountains and forests for activities.

If they saw any good things in the mountains, they would bring them back, and at the same time gave them a lot of purified energy stones as rewards.

If you want the cow to work, you have to feed the cow. This principle is the same for mutant beasts and mutant plants.

The two also prefer life in the mountains and forests, and they both agreed to take the younger brother back to the mountains and forests on three sides.

Feng Wei also asked Hua Nuan to send a lot of energy stone powder to the mutated insects who helped, and they happily returned to the forest.

They won the game against the major bases.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~Because May 1st is a holiday, I am afraid that the signing will not change the status, so the new book will be released on the 24th in advance, which is the day after tomorrow (and then I was so hard that I didn't save the manuscript. I have to write something quickly in two days) The old book has begun to be restored to four chapters and updated~~~

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