Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2063 What Are You Going To Do?

The people on Feng Wei's side took care of the group of zombies that were chasing after them, and these people also looked over one after another.

One of them looked at the unparalleled beauty of Feng Wei, and guessed her identity immediately, "Are you the lord of City of Hope?"

Feng Wei nodded: "Yes."

"Thank you for taking the shot just now." The man said gratefully to Feng Wei and the others.

"Go outside the gate first, otherwise you will be involved later." Feng Wei didn't care about their thanks.

A group of people looked at each other, not knowing what they were going to do, but they also obeyed her words, supporting each other and preparing to retreat outside the gate.

Feng Wei looked at the gate of the prison, and said to Zhuang Yi, "Blow up this gate first to create an empty space."

Zhuang Yi smiled and nodded: "Okay, look at me."

He took out a bundle of modified bombs, "Go out and wait, too."

Feng Wei and the others also retreated outside the gate.

Zhuang Yi quickly backed out, and then heard several explosions, and the prison gate collapsed and collapsed.

"Qin Zhe, Nuan Nuan, you level the ground here, and I'll put the seeds down later." Feng Wei said.

Qin Zhe and Hua Nuan nodded, and quickly crushed the collapsed gate stones with their soil abilities. Seeing that the ground was turned over, they embedded the cement outside into the ground, and the soil inside turned out, and quickly removed it. Make the appearance of the field.

After using the genetic modification fluid, everyone's natural potential was stimulated, and their physical fitness and mental strength were also improved to a higher level.

Qin Zhe stepped into the fourth-level ability user, and his control over fire was much stronger, and he also developed a lot of fire-type abilities.

Hua Nuan has been promoted to the third level. Although she has not awakened new abilities, she has become more specialized in controlling the elements of the earth element, which is no worse than Qin Zhe's fourth-level earth ability.

Because of this, the action of the two people amazed the dozens of people standing not far away.

There are also earth-type supernatural powers among them, but they are quite different from the two.

"Feng Wei and the others in their team are very powerful. I am also a third-level power user, but that beauty is much better than me." A soil power user couldn't help but sigh.

The eyes of the other person flickered, "Is this the effect after taking the genetic modification liquid?"

Those recruited by City of Hope are rewarded with genetic modification fluid, and Feng Wei must not be stingy with his own people.

The others couldn't help getting hot when they heard it, but Feng Wei and the others were too strong, they didn't dare to think badly about grabbing it.

"What are they going to do?" One person asked puzzled.

"I don't know. The entire gate was blown up and turned into a field. Could it be that you want to grow something?"

"Just read it and you'll know."

On the other side, the convoys of the three major families also drove nearby.

However, none of them got out of the car, but released several drones with monitoring equipment.

On the front display screen of the minibus, there are also footage broadcast live by the drone.

They also didn't know what Feng Wei and the others were going to do.

A member of the Zuo family asked, "Master, do we want to do it?"

Zuo Yu stared at the screen with an inexplicable expression and said for a while, "Wait a little longer, let's see what they are going to do."

Qin Zhe and Hua Nuan got out the soil below, and Feng Wei sprinkled a few handfuls of seeds from the space ring and threw them in.

A group of people stood in front as if waiting for something.

"Castle Master Feng, there are a lot of ferocious zombies inside, and they even set up traps. If you want energy stones, you'd better be cautious." A rescued person said.

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