Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2069 Don't underestimate them

Zhuang Yi and the others agreed with Feng Wei's words.

"Yes, let them take a good look, the people in our City of Hope are not so easy to mess with."

After Zhuang Yi finished speaking, he turned his head and made a provocative gesture towards the drone.

Zong Ze chuckled and turned his head, showing a provocative look, and mouth-shaped, "If you want to die, come here."

"..." The faces of the people in the car were not very good when they saw this, these two guys are really too arrogant.

Especially the patriarch's face turned dark again and again, "This bastard is getting more and more outrageous."

The lady beside him held his hand and said with a bit of displeasure: "Ah Ze was just brought on badly. After we find the boss this time, let's take him back and teach him a lesson."

She was annoyed at Zong Ze's severance of ties. She had always been the pampered party at home, and she was cut off by her son one after another, which made her a little unacceptable.

Therefore, she didn't think it was their problem, but thought that her second son, who had always been more obedient, had been brought up badly.

The head of the sect nodded: "This time we will definitely take him back for education."

Although he kept saying that Zong Ze had been led to spoil him, he knew in his heart that his second son had already had a problem with them, but it was difficult to say it out to make his wife sad.

Anyway, we can't let that bastard get mixed up with Feng Wei and the others anymore.

As for the matter of breaking away from the family and severing ties, he didn't take it very seriously. He always thought that as long as they lowered their bodies and talked to their second son carefully, the other party would be subdued.

"It's true that the Zhuang family, who doesn't care about Zhuang Yi, will raise such a thing." Some people can't talk about Zong Ze, so they can only talk about Zhuang Yi.

"I heard before that the Zhuang family originally wanted to interfere with Zhuang Yi, but he wanted to leave the family, which made the people in the Zhuang family stop thinking about him." A young man from the Huo family said.

"These bastards are always thinking of leaving the family. They really think that their wings have grown hard, and they are nothing without a family." These words stimulated the head of the sect, and he snorted coldly.

Everyone at the elder level agreed: "The more they encounter obstacles outside, the better the family will be."

The younger generation didn't take it seriously, instead they thought Zong Ze and Zhuang Yi's behavior was very handsome, they dared to confront the family, and now they want to take the face of the three high-level officials at will, and they would like to do the same.

Besides, what people are doing now is so exciting. After City of Hope became famous, Zhuang Yi and Zong Ze also became famous, which is better than before in the family.

"They have nothing to fear. I just want to see if they can get energy stones. There are definitely advanced and intelligent zombies in this prison. It would be ridiculous if they were too arrogant and wiped out in the end." A senior member of the clan sneered.

The two Zongze brothers left the family and made other families laugh at them. They were quite dissatisfied.

Zuo Yu was a little speechless to the members of the Zong family, "Don't underestimate Feng Wei and the others."

"Shall we follow in?" Someone from the Zuo family asked.

Zuo Yu shook his head: "If Feng Wei and the others can't get the energy stone, it's unlikely that we can get it when we go in."

"If they get it, it won't be easy for us to grab it. Anyway, they deliberately let us watch it live, so let's watch it first." He said.

"Okay, let's take a look first." Others thought it made sense.

In the prison, Feng Wei and the others had just entered the deep prison, suddenly there were several screams, and several shadows passed by from the outside to the inside, very fast.

More than 20 level 4 zombies rushed out from the two doors, and rushed towards them fiercely.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~ The new book is signed, and the double update will start tomorrow. I want to hit the new book list. Please recommend the votes, dear friends, please vote for the new book, okay~~~

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