This screeching sound carries the attack ripple of mental power, which belongs to the sonic attack.

This is its last trick.

But Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang resisted easily, and Zhuang Yi's condition was fine, but the others suddenly felt a splitting headache.

Seeing this, Changsheng also began to scream. It is also good at mental power and sonic attacks. Although its level is a little lower than that of the big spider, it can help Qin Zhe and others resist the sonic attacks.

In the end, the big spider failed to attack again.

Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang cooperated very well, they exchanged a look, and they both took the initiative to attack the big spider.

Huo Xiaoliang first dealt with the spider to exercise his fighting ability, and when he was almost done, he made a gesture to Feng Wei.

Feng Wei immediately took out an A-level energy stone to lure the big spider to run continuously, while Huo Xiaoliang used the lightning net to set up traps.

The purified A-level energy stone is much more attractive than the previous C-level energy stone. The big spider would lose his mind, so he kept running with Feng Wei.

In the end, being caught in Huo Xiaoliang's lightning net, Feng Wei jumped out from a gap he intentionally left.

Then he took out a big metal ball, shaped it into a bunch of sharp blades with supernatural powers, and slashed at the big spider.

In an instant, several of its feet were cut off, and many marks were left on its body.

Huo Xiaoliang also used thunder and lightning to strike it continuously, causing it to make a miserable scream.

After the little spider over there heard it, he wanted to go back to help, but soon he was inexplicably attracted by the new blood bag thrown by Zhuang Yi, and wanted to rush back.

But after all, it was a level six giant spider. Although this attack could cause relatively large damage to it, it couldn't kill it.

Feng Wei took out a newly modified energy gun from the space, which used energy stones as power instead of bullets.

She threw the energy gun to Huo Xiaoliang, "Use the power input to activate the trigger position, and then shoot."

The material of this energy gun was discovered by Changsheng on a hill near the Academy of Sciences, and after she extracted it, she forced it into a low-grade energy gun.

Just because there was still a lack of a connection material, she transformed it into using a supernatural power to activate the firing power, but it also needed the supernatural power of a fifth-level supernatural being to be useful.

Otherwise, it would not be effective against level 6 zombies.

Huo Xiaoliang had heard that she was making an energy gun before, so he raised his hand to take it, then aimed at the big spider, and fired it as Feng Wei said without hesitation.

I saw a laser-like thing ejected from the gun barrel, heading straight for the big spider's head.

The giant spider whose legs had been chopped off by metal was still struggling in the grid. When the laser came flying, it felt a life-threatening threat it had never experienced before, screaming and trying to escape.

But Huo Xiaoliang and Feng Wei naturally won't make it happen.

Huo Xiaoliang tightened the power grid and trapped it to death, while Feng Wei launched a mental attack on it directly.

Her mental power is very strong, and after entering the spiritual power space of the big spider, it instantly destroyed part of its spiritual power, which also made it stunned for a while.

Just at this dazed time, the laser penetrated its head and exploded it instantly.

And when its brain exploded, a vine also pierced in at the location where it exploded, and when it came out again, it drew out a palm-sized bright cyan crystal nucleus.

This level 6 zombie spider was also completely killed.

Zong Ze and others couldn't help but be dumbfounded by this scene, let alone those who were sitting in the car watching the live broadcast.

They were shocked by the fighting power shown by Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang before, but what shocked them even more now was the gun in Huo Xiaoliang's hand.

Continue at 19:00~

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