Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2079 You are here

The car drove another distance, and suddenly it was as if it had encountered an invisible wall, and it could no longer move half a point.

Zong Ze slammed on the accelerator, still stuck in place unable to move forward, but the wheels were turning rapidly.

"Don't step on it, there is a restriction in front of this place, if you can't drive in, get out of the car." Feng Wei said.

Zong Ze then braked, "It's forbidden again, no wonder I can't move half a step."

Although they don't understand the restrictions, they are more familiar with the layout at the gate of the City of Hope, and know that this thing is more evil.

A group of people got out of the car, Huo Xiaoliang took a few steps forward and passed through the restriction, "People can come here."

Feng Wei put the car into the space ring, "Let's go in and have a look first."

"Okay!" The others walked in with her.

And the convoy behind followed up and saw Feng Wei and the others get off the car. They collected the off-road vehicle and walked forward.

But what made people feel horrified was that Feng Wei and the others disappeared as they walked, and they could no longer see their traces.

"What's going on here? Where are Feng Wei and the others?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Could it be that there are some supernatural and mysterious events happening?

The Zuo family has more contacts with the Guwu family, and Zuo Yu has also been in contact with the restrictions outside the City of Hope. After thinking for a moment, he said: "There may be restrictions ahead."

"The so-called formation restriction created by the Guwu family?" The head of the clan looked at him and asked.

Zuo Yu replied: "Not necessarily, it may be formed naturally, after all, the origin of that fairy mountain is definitely not simple."

While they were talking, the convoy's car also drove to the front of the restriction, and it was also unable to advance half a point, and they also understood why Feng Wei and the others had to get down and walk.

"Let's get out of the car and go in to have a look. Feng Wei understands this. If they dare to go in, we don't have to be afraid. It's best to follow them." Zuo Yu stood up and wanted to get out of the car.

The others did not object, and after leaving a few people to watch the car, the others got out of the car and followed quickly.

Feng Wei and the others kept walking forward, and Qin Zhe asked, "Beautiful Feng, is this restriction like the one outside our city, causing hallucinations?"

Feng Wei replied: "No, this is a blinding restriction. It was supposed to cover up the fairy mountain, but I don't know why the energy in the center of the restriction was destroyed. We can still see the fairy mountain, but the people outside can't see it." Can't see us anymore."

"This restriction is not dangerous, just go." She added.

Hearing what she said, everyone was relieved.

After walking for more than half an hour, Feng Wei and the others saw a halo-like halo in front of them.

"What's that?" Zhuang Yi asked.

Feng Wei said: "The exit of the ban, we can't see the situation outside the ban, everyone is ready to defend, be careful that there will be attacks or something."

"Okay!" A group of people were highly concentrated and prepared in every possible way.

Feng Wei also released his mental power to form a kind of protection, and took the lead to walk in.

After entering, she heard someone talking, she looked over defensively, and then saw Bu Xu and others, and then withdrew her mental power.

Bu Xu wasn't surprised to see Feng Wei and his group, he greeted with a smile, "You guys are here."

Zhuang Yi, who followed closely behind, was relieved to see Bu Xu and the others, as long as there were normal people inside.

"You guys came early, can't you go in?" Feng Wei looked at many people looking for directions with compass, but Xianshan was right in front of them.

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