Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 208 Presumably there is no one else

After shopping, Zhai Junyan sent Xia Ruo back to the farm before returning to Zhai's house.

Then I saw some old friends of my grandfather come to drink tea and goji berries again, and I was speechless!

Thinking of the old man's tendency to show off, she took out the small bottle of wolfberry nectar that Xia Ruo gave today.

"Grandpa, this is the goji berry honey from Ruoruo!"

Seeing this, old man Zhai immediately picked it up. Just as he was about to hide it, an old man spoke up.

"Old Zhai, you are so unkind, you don't want to drink medlar honey if you have it!"

"That's right, take it out first, let's try it together!"

Mr. Zhai had never eaten goji berry honey, so he ordered the kitchen staff to make a few cups of water.

The old men took a sip when they got the water glasses.

"This is actually honey water? It's so delicious!"

"The honey I've eaten before is all bitter and astringent, but this one is actually sweet and fragrant, with a hint of goji berries, delicious!"

"After drinking it, I immediately feel more energetic!"

Zhai Junyan was a little speechless, and it wasn't the magic medicine that made her feel refreshed so quickly.

But there is still an extra sentence, "This wolfberry nectar has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidney, improving eyesight, nourishing yin and strengthening yang, moistening the lungs, relieving cough and nourishing qi."

This is what Xia Ruo told her before.

When the old men heard this, their eyes lit up, staring at the wolfberry nectar on the table.

Mr. Zhai immediately hugged Hua Mi in his arms, and glared at Zhai Junyan, "Go and rest if you have nothing to do!"

This prodigal granddaughter caused him to lose so much nectar that he could drink it for a few more days.

These old guys come here every day shamelessly, and from tomorrow onwards he will close the door tightly.

Zhai Junyan was speechless when he saw his grandfather's appearance. This old man is real, and he wants to show off but is reluctant.

"Okay, then I'll go upstairs first!"

Before he left, an old man said, "Jun Yan! Where did you get this goji nectar? Get a bottle for your Grandpa Hu too!"

Zhai Junyan was most afraid of these annoying old men, "Grandpa Hu, this is a gift from a friend, it's just a bottle, I can't get it!"

Xia Ruo said that the medlar flowers are too small and it is difficult to produce honey. It is good for her to get a bottle for her old man once in a while, but how can she help others, and then ran away!

Seeing that Di Junyan was useless, the old men all stared at the bottle that old man Di was holding.

Mr. Zhai immediately covered it with his clothes, and said with a dark face: "You guys should go when you're done, right?"

"Old Zhai, my mouth has been so pale recently, you can ask someone to make a cup of honey water to drink."

"Old Zhai, I have lost my appetite recently. I heard that drinking honey water can cure it!"

"Old Zhai..."

Mr. Zhai's face is even darker. If the shameless old guys don't leave, he will leave!

So, holding the bottle of goji nectar, he slipped away like his granddaughter, leaving behind a group of old men who still couldn't get enough of him and secretly scolded him for not being loyal enough.

Soon, in the upper circles, news spread that Mr. Zhai had a bottle of natural, delicious and powerful wolfberry nectar.

The next day, someone came to the door and wanted to rub it, but found that the door of Zhai's house was closed, and everyone jumped outside and scolded the old guy for being too stingy.

Old man Feng also heard the news, and immediately called his grandson.

Feng Yan was sitting on the airship back to the imperial capital when he heard his grandfather's angry voice.

"Stinky boy, after you come back today, you can put other things aside first, and get me two bottles of wolfberry nectar first."

"..." Feng Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Old man, who provoked you?"

"Who else is there, old Ditou!" The old man stared at him, "He is filial to his granddaughter, shouldn't you be filial too, brat?"

I heard that the nectar has many benefits and tastes really good, so he wants to drink it too!

Feng Yan nodded helplessly: "Got it, I'll help you get it today!"

Except for that woman who can produce goji berry nectar, there must be no one else!

The old man smiled this time, "Good grandson, you are still filial!"

"..." Feng Yan had black lines all over his head, the old man changed his face too fast.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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