Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2084 Whoever dares to step on will pay the price

Many people present felt that the Patriarch and the Patriarch of the Zong family were a little confused. The two sons seemed determined to sever the relationship. What's the use of taking them back?

He has been emphasizing the so-called caring and making his son filial, but no one knows about the affairs of the clan, and the partiality of the two husband and wife is well known, and it is self-inflicted to make such a shameless scene.

The head of the Zong family also knew that now he could only step down in embarrassment. The Huo family wanted to see a good show, and the Zuo family's attitude was also very ambiguous, and they might not help them.

If these two families are not in harmony with them, he has no confidence in facing Feng Wei and the others.

At this time, Mrs. Zong also knew that the current situation was not optimistic, so she leaned on the Patriarch Zong seemingly sadly and said: "Husband, it seems that their brothers have blamed us, since they really don't want to recognize us, then forget it. "

This is a metaphor for the unfilial piety of the two brothers, and they are begging for perfection.

Feng Wei was disgusted by her appearance, so she said it bluntly, "Don't act like you are wronged and sad, it looks disgusting, Zong Ze and the others don't owe you anything, why are you such a bitch."

It happened to be this woman who caused the Zongze brothers to get to where they are now.

"You." It was the first time Mrs. Zong was pointed at and called a whore, and her face turned green with anger.

"I'm not used to those men hugging you. If you're upset, just come and trouble me." Feng Wei raised his chin recklessly and arrogantly.

Zhuang Yi added fire to the side, "Beauty Feng is mighty!"

Zuo Yu couldn't help but glared at him, "You're almost done."

Not to mention, although he has come into contact with many women, Mrs. Zong's style is really boring to him.

Originally, he was going to be settled when he came out, but now that she suddenly came to such a grievance, Feng Wei was not happy to keep an eye on him, it was really nothing to do.

The patriarch himself can bear being scolded, but his lover can't bear being scolded.

So he was the first to use his abilities to attack Feng Wei.

"You're presumptuous." He has a fourth-level fire ability, and he often practiced it. A mass of raging flames turned into a slap towards Feng Wei's fan.

In his opinion, Feng Wei has more other methods, and at the same time, he should be better at the fourth level in terms of abilities.

When Zong Ze saw this, his face was full of anger. This man really was shameless, and wanted to go up to defend Feng Wei from this attack.

But Huo Xiaoliang stopped her, "She can handle it."

This incident also allowed Feng Wei to stand up and let the people present know that the people in City of Hope are not so easy to bully, and anyone who dares to step on them will have to pay the price.

Sure enough, the big palm condensed by the flames approached Feng Wei, and she raised her hand to move.

A powerful spiritual force fluctuated around, forcibly twisting and tearing apart countless cracks in the surrounding space.

The flame slap fell into the torn space crack, and was instantly strangled completely.

This move was learned by Feng Wei and her mother, but her mother used the space ability, and she created the mental power ability move by herself.

Originally, it could only be used at level five, but in the prison before, the big spider at level six attacked her with mental power, and instead stored a lot of spiritual power for her that could be borrowed, so she could use it at once.

After the flame slap was torn apart, the metal blades that were suspended in mid-air flew out together, heading towards the Patriarch.

"Be careful." Patriarch Zong's complexion changed, he quickly pushed Mrs. Zong away, and then gathered a soil shield in front of him.

The people of the three families were shocked when they saw this. They always thought that the head of the clan had a single-line ability, so it turned out that there was still a hidden line.

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