Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2087 Of course we must hurry up

Feng Wei is not from any ancient sect, so she is not guilty.

And a little curious about the ancient sect, "Do you know the situation of this ancient sect?"

Bu Xu originally didn't want Feng Wei to come from the ancient sect.

He thought for a while and said, "Our family's files contain information about some ancient sects, and the one most likely to survive may belong to the Yinhun sect."

"This sect belonged to the evil sect in ancient times, and it was the kind that stood on the opposite side."

"In this way, isn't the Yinhun sect the same nature as the dark organization?" Feng Wei said without fear.

"..." The people in the dark organization twitched their mouths when they heard her words, as long as they were talking about villains, they could be contacted.

If it were someone else, they would definitely be unconvinced.

But now that Feng Wei opened the mouth, they had no choice but to hold back temporarily.

Bu Xu laughed: "The status at that time was relatively similar."

He reminded, "So after entering, people from the Yinhun sect may not be friendly to us. It is better for everyone to be vigilant and beware."

"Thank you, Young Master Bu, for reminding me." Huo Xiaohai clasped his fists at Bu Xu.

The other two families also thanked each other, obviously wanting to make friends with the Bu family.

Zong Lan stood beside Zong Ze and said disdainfully, "Hypocrisy."

The three major families said they would boycott the Guwu family, but every time they met, they were extremely enthusiastic, and even lowered their bodies to cater to them. He was not used to it.

Zhuang Yi seems to have found a bosom friend, "The younger brother speaks brilliantly."

"..." The people of the three families wanted to throw these two vicious and hateful guys out.

Zong Ze knew that his younger brother had always been poisonous, so he had a fight with Zhuang Yi.

He stretched out his hand to give Zong Lan a hand and said, "You will be with us later."

In front of the people of the dark organization, he didn't say straight to the point that he would let his brother and himself go back to City of Hope. Anyway, as long as they act together, they can just leave after the end.

The Diablo organization is the public enemy organization of the world, they don't need to say hello.

Zong Lan hadn't spoken yet, but the leader of the dark organization brought people over this time and said first: "Zong Lan is a member of our organization, and he will act with us in a while."

Zong Ze frowned, "He is my younger brother, so naturally he wants to be with me."

"Now is the end of the world, whoever divides the brothers, the organization is more important." The leader is obviously unwilling.

Feng Wei has always been disgusted with people from the dark organization. She asked Zong Lan, "Do you want us to be together, or do you want to be with them?"

Zong Lan's eyes lit up, "Can I be with you?"

Feng Wei knew his choice, and said with a light smile, "Of course, you are Zong Ze's younger brother, and you are also one of us."

"Then I'll be with you." Zong Lan said without hesitation.

He joined the Diablo organization on impulse to get away from the Zong family, and at that time he also had the idea of ​​embarrassing the Zong family.

The main reason is that someone told him in private that the dark organization attaches great importance to scientists and has thrown out a lot of grand plans to reconcile the good side, so he decided to go.

But after going there, he found that it was completely different from what he had imagined and heard, and there were many things and existences that disgusted him.

It's just that once he entered the dark organization and couldn't leave unless he died, he kept enduring it and wanted to find a chance to get rid of it.

This time I invented something, which made the upper management very happy. They also negotiated conditions and said that they had to come to see the fairy mountain before they succeeded.

Now that he has the opportunity given by Feng Wei, he must seize it.

The unscrupulous conversation between the two made the faces of the people on the dark side darken.

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