Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2095 This woman succeeded in acting as a demon

People from the Guwu family and the three major families also moved immediately upon seeing this.

Some people went to attack the giant beast, and some people went to pick the fruit.

The two giant beasts were enraged. These people dared to attack their belongings. They were looking for death, so they attacked frantically.

Behemoths at the peak of the fifth level were not so easy to deal with, and soon many people were swept off the big tree, injured and vomited blood.

Seeing this, Bu Xu's face became serious, and he said to his tribe, "I'll restrain the two giant beasts, and you pick the fruit."


I saw Bu Xu tapped his toes and took out a long sword, and attacked the two giant beasts.

Others climbed towards the top of the tree one after another, reaching out to pick the fruit.

The members of the three major families were not to be outdone, seeing that Bu Xu grabbed the two monsters at once, they immediately climbed up to grab the fruit.

Then something unexpected happened.

I saw a lot of honey-colored liquid secreted from the branches next to the fruit, sliding down a little bit.

Even if the tree climbers had supernatural support, they were all glued to the honey-colored liquid, and then slipped down from the tree one by one.

It was so slippery that I could no longer lean against the tree when it touched my hands and feet.

They fell down one by one, Zhuang Yi and the others were a little stunned.

"Beauty Feng is still your best, you know that." Zong Ze gave Feng Wei a thumbs up.

Everyone's admiration for her has risen to another level. It seems that no one in the Guwu family knows about this thing, but she knows it.

Feng Wei smiled lightly: "It's okay."

This kind of fruit can be found on some desolate stars in the high-level literature star field. She had already learned all the high-level flora in the battle school, and wrote down their habits and so on.

"The snake and centipede should be able to go berserk, and their combat power can suddenly soar to level six. I'll grab the fruit in a while, and I'll let you catch them." Feng Wei said to Huo Xiaoliang.

Huo Xiaoliang was ready to fight, "No problem."

Feng Wei tapped the flying machine on his waist, and the whole person flew up.

It quickly passed Bu Xu and the two giant beasts who were fighting.

Seeing that she could fly up, the two giant beasts were angry and anxious, and they raised their tails and slapped her towards her.

There were a lot of condensed metal fragments around Feng Wei. After the two giant tails swept over, she made a very difficult movement in the air to avoid, and then the metal fragments directly pierced the tails of the two giant beasts.

The two behemoths screamed from the sting, and then went berserk, turning into behemoths of level six strength.

Bu Xu was also sent flying by the giant snake.

The two giant beasts opened their big mouths and bit Feng Wei first without encountering each other. They felt that this woman had a sense of threat.

Feng Wei hooked his lips, and suddenly launched a mental attack on them.

The two behemoths are mutant beasts that mainly rely on physical strength, and their mental strength is not very strong. When they are attacked, they become dizzy and stop in mid-air, and then fall together.

When they fell heavily on the ground and woke up, Feng Wei had already touched all the fruits on the big tree and put them all into the interspatial ring.

Not only that, she also took out a bottle and a spoon, and collected most of the honey-colored liquid left on the big tree in the bottle.

"..." Seeing Feng Wei successfully plucked the fruit and collected the liquid, the people who fell to the ground and fell to the ground couldn't describe their depression, aggrieved, and deep wonder in words.

This woman succeeded in acting as a demon, and they were really tricked.

Continue at 19:30~~

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