Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2100 What did you find?

The others were also very surprised, they didn't expect Feng Wei to even start the business of modifying flying cars.

This is good news for them.

"In addition to these, what else do you sell in City of Hope? I heard that the food you eat there is very original, better than that before the end of the world." A foodie from the Guwu family couldn't help asking.

There are a lot of foodies here, everyone couldn't help thinking about it, and looked at Feng Wei together.

Feng Wei smiled lightly and said, "Selling, food, vegetables, fruits, and medicinal materials, as long as we cultivate them in City of Hope, they will be gradually sold to the outside world."

Since the people at the Academy of Sciences combined the soil she took out with the reclaimed land, and used the normal seeds she took out to sow seeds, a wave of food has been harvested under the urging of wood-type supernatural beings.

This food is enough for City of Hope to consume this year, and the surplus will naturally be sold outside.

She wants to change the planet, of course, starting from all aspects.

Now that she has regained a lot of strength, City of Hope has become her most solid backing. She doesn't have to worry about being too high-profile and attracting too much attention from all parties, and she isn't afraid of others making trouble.

"Fortunately, our Bu family will order a batch first." Bu Xu is still thinking about the watermelon he ate last time.

Zuo Yu also remembered the fragrance from the opposite bank last time, "Our Zuo family also ordered a batch."

As for the idea of ​​getting Feng Wei, he has given up. He found that this woman is not something ordinary people can control, and he is no exception.

Letting go of this thought of plundering and conquering, he treated Feng Weishang much more normally.

I have to say that although Feng Wei is a woman, she is still very admirable. In terms of combat power and ability, not many men can match her.

Others followed suit and said, "Our home/base is also decided."

Feng Wei pointed to Hua Nuan, "For the order of agricultural products, you just need to communicate with Hua Nuan when the time comes."

It seems that after going back, Xi Ye has to raise a group of management.

"Okay." Everyone remembered Hua Nuan, and each of them left her contact information.

Now there is no network signal in many places, and there is no way to go online, but fortunately, the mobile phones used by everyone can basically send short messages, so I gave her the mobile phone number, and the Guwu family only left a telegram contact.

Feng Wei watched as Hua Nuan took out the notebook and pen that she carried with her, and wrote down the contact information, thinking that if she could find the materials for the communicator, she could try to research a contact terminal suitable for this place.

A group of people continued to move forward, because of Changsheng and Gale, the mutated plants and beasts basically gave way along the way.

The further you go into the mountains, the stronger the aura becomes.

After walking for several hours, Zong Ze found a few more good things, and Feng Wei and the others snatched them all without accident.

She also discovered super useful trees and mineral stones. If they were replaced with ordinary things and taken back, they would not be able to synthesize materials without the refining machine of the high-level civilization star field.

But now there is Huo Xiaoliang, his devouring and purifying ability is better than the effect of the machine, and he can use it all-around when he takes it back, so she received all of them in the space ring.

Feng Wei asked Bu Xu: "Is there anything else hidden in this fairy mountain besides the naturally growing spiritual fruits?"

Bu Xu looked at her meaningfully and smiled and asked, "What did you find?"

"We have found a lot of good things along the way. It stands to reason that the ancient sect who entered here first should have also met, but we didn't take the things away. This can only explain one thing." Feng Wei said.

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