Feng Wei believed what the middle-aged man said.

She knew that there were some killing formations, and as long as she used the blood sacrifice of a high-level creature, she could break through the formation's heart, so she found a chance to break in.

However, some people hate this method, it is a crooked way.

She looked at the middle-aged man with a half-smile, "Do you mean that you still want to invite us together? Then the giant pine is gone, turning us into blood sacrifices?"

When she said this, people from the Guwu family and the three major families all became vigilant, and felt that it made sense.

"..." The middle-aged man did have such a plan in his heart, but how could he say it out.

"Miss Feng, you misunderstood."

"I want to invite you, but I don't want you to be blood sacrifices. I think you and Master Bu are both good at formations. Let's work together to see if we can break it." He explained half-truthfully with a smile.

He heard that Feng Wei was also good at formation, not to mention the Bu family, who was mainly good at this, so he wanted to invite them to try it together.

If you can't break through the formation with normal means, use the means to get these people into a blood sacrifice and charge into the formation.

Feng Wei didn't answer, but looked at Bu Xu, "What do you think?"

Naturally, Bu Xu would not believe that the middle-aged man would kindly invite them to break the formation together, he definitely had a plan.

But he also saw that the seal on this person's hand was real, similar to the existence of a key, it should be the key to open the cave.

He thought for a while and said to Feng Wei: "We can try together."

Feng Wei knew what he meant, she said to the middle-aged man: "Okay, we will trust you for a while."

"If you play tricks and tricks, don't blame us for being rude."

She thought for a while, and felt that she had to make it clear in advance, "But there is one prerequisite for cooperation. When the time comes, we will help break the formation, and you must provide the seal to open the cave."

Cooperating with these people may be torn apart at any time. On the surface, what should be done is done, but how to guard against it behind the scenes has to be guarded against.

The middle-aged man smiled and nodded: "No problem."

He said again: "After the break, let's go to the cave together, it's not too far from here."

"Okay!" Feng Wei nodded.

The people on both sides sat down clearly, those from the Yinhun sect healed their wounds, and those from the Guwu family sat with people from the three major families.

Now they are more trustworthy with each other than those of the Yinhun sect.

After driving for a long time, everyone was also hungry, so they took out the dry food they brought and ate.

The Guwu family eats pre-made cakes, and each person eats with water.

The three major families eat bread and instant noodles, which have not expired before the end of the world. Although it is difficult to find them now, after the end of the world, the three major families took the opportunity to find a lot and stock up.

This kind of food is already considered a luxury in the last days. People from the Guwu family couldn't eat the cakes even after smelling the aroma of instant noodles.

The members of the Yinhun sect also took out food and ate it. They brought biscuits and steamed buns, which looked the same as those before the end of the world.

Naturally, Feng Wei and the others were also hungry, but they had already given up eating biscuits, bread and instant noodles.

The food was prepared before they set off from City of Hope.

Feng Wei took out a pot of rice from the interspatial ring, as well as six dishes and one soup cooked by the canteen chef before.

Her space ring is static in time, what it looks like when it is put in, it will be what it is when it is taken out, so it has the function of keeping fresh and warm.

This will allow the chef to cook a lot of meals and put them in before leaving, so that you don't have to spend time alone on the road to cook.

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