Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2112 is simply incomprehensible

The two Zongze brothers heard the same reasoning.

For the so-called niece, that woman was able to send away their elder brother once, and also send away the second and third times.

Zong Ze changed his mind and said, "Brother, come to City of Hope too, the three of us can still be together."

Zong Lan decided to follow Feng Wei, and also regarded the City of Hope as his base camp, "That's right, it's good for us three brothers to take care of us."

The wry smile on Zong Ling's face became even stronger, "I can't come, I've been cursed, and they'll find me no matter where I go, and if I'm not with my cousin, the curse in my body will explode next year, and then die."

Although not many people know about the Yinhun sect, its overall strength is much stronger than that of the Guwu family, and its methods are much more vicious.

He didn't want to involve his two younger brothers.

The Yinhun sect is going to join the world forcefully this time, so they are not afraid of him leaking the news, let alone running away.

This is also the reason why the current members of the Yinhun sect dared to let him talk to his two younger brothers alone.

"Damn, this is too perverted, isn't this the so-called foreigner?" Zong Ze couldn't help but swear.

Zong Lan thought for a while and said, "I think they are more likely to take a fancy to Big Brother's special physique."

Otherwise, why bother to keep people with such indecent means.

Zong Ling nodded: "Special physique is the key point."

"From now on, you two can live well in City of Hope. It is right for the Zong family not to go back." He reached out and patted the shoulders of the two younger brothers.

Maybe this is the last time the three of them will see each other.

"Brother, don't be so discouraged, there will always be a solution." Zong Ze was going to go privately to ask the big beauty Feng if there was a way to break the curse.

"Yes, we will definitely help you get out of that ghost sect." Zong Lan also said.

Zong Ling said with relief: "It's good if you have this kind of heart."

The three said a few more words, and Zong Lan asked, "Brother, does our infatuated father know the true face of that woman?"

He was very curious about this.

Zong Ling replied: "They are true love. No matter who Mom is, Dad's feelings for her are true."

"I think he should know her identity to some extent, but because of true love, he secretly helped her clean up." He added.

Zong Lan said with a sarcastic smile: "Hehe, it really is true love, the two are a natural match."

With such a pair of parents on the stall, the three brothers are really unlucky.

Seeing that Zong Ling and Zong Ze brothers had been talking together, the beautiful woman felt very uncomfortable, she turned around and said, "A Ling, I'm a little dizzy, can you help me up?"

She didn't like Zong Ling's contact with the outside world, and even more hated his two brothers.

Apart from Zong Ling's physique, she really likes him, she has taken a fancy to him from the first sight, he can only be hers.

Zong Ling was disgusted in his heart but didn't show it on his face, nodded: "Okay!"

"I'll go there first, let's talk again when we have a chance." He greeted Zongze and the two, and stepped forward to support her.

It's not that she's afraid of her, or that she doesn't dare to resist, but that she's afraid that she will do something to anger her two younger brothers in the future.

As far as he knew, countless men and women died at her hands before and after the end of the world.

Sometimes just because one thing is not pleasing to the eye, she will take the life of others, which is simply incomprehensible, and even more unreasonable.

Zong Ze and the two watched their eldest brother help that stupid woman, feeling very uncomfortable and sad.

Zong Ze quickly moved to Feng Wei's side.

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