A group of people walked into the silver forest, and soon the surrounding trees began to move, as if they were alive.

After a few minutes, all the scenes that everyone saw changed.

It seemed to be in an ancient battlefield, with corpses everywhere, and the smell of blood filled the nose.

"What's happening here?"

"Why did the scene suddenly change?"

"What's that up ahead? It's scary."

In the distance ahead, two demon-like monsters were fighting.

A group of people seemed to be destroyers who broke into their territory, and the two demons glanced over with cold eyes, making people feel cold all over their bodies unconsciously.

People from the three major families had never experienced such a mysterious thing, and they couldn't help shouting one by one.

"Ah, what the hell are these things, why are they coming towards us?" Another person exclaimed and pointed to the side.

Everyone looked over together, and saw a skeleton army emerging from the ground little by little, with weapons in their hands, walking slowly towards the group of people.

It was also the first time for Zong Ze and others to experience such a scene, but they were much more stable than the members of the three major families.

"Beautiful Feng, what is this? Is it also a phantom array? Is it okay if you don't care about it?" Qin Zhe asked.

Feng Wei let go of his mental power and searched again, "It's not a complete phantom array, it's a projection of a battlefield, and the things inside are what really happened in a certain world, just for us to experience it again."

"That's what they call killing arrays," she added.

The middle-aged man from the Yinhun sect saw Feng Wei calmly judged the killing formation, and inexplicably had a bad premonition in his heart.

Can they really use them as sacrifices?

"Miss Feng, since you have seen it, you must have a way to break the formation, right?" He asked with a smile.

If Feng Wei can break through the formation, then enter the cave and try to trap them to death.

Feng Wei asked back: "Apart from using the blood fiend to charge the formation, do you have any other options?"

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "That's right, this is the only way we can think of."

This is also the most trouble-free, who told them to destroy it.

Feng Wei no longer cared about him, but looked at Bu Xu and said, "Do you have a way to break the formation?"

Bu Xu held the formation plate and looked at it again and again, with a serious expression on his face, "This killing formation seems to have been projected into an ancient battlefield in another world suddenly due to time reasons. It is difficult to find the flaw, at least in a short period of time. There is no way."

"Be careful, everyone, don't be killed or injured by the creatures inside. Although what happens here is similar to a phantom formation, it is also a real projection. If you are killed, you will die." He reminded everyone.

Hearing his words, everyone immediately raised their hearts.

Seeing the skeleton army getting closer and closer, someone said eagerly: "What should we do? There are so many skeletons, can we kill them all?"

Bu Xu replied: "It can't be finished, after killing, it will come out of the ground endlessly."

"Then why don't we go out first?" The man couldn't help but said.

Bu Xu looked at the formation plate, his expression changed, and he shook his head: "It's too late, the killing formation has been formed, or you will die if you break the formation."

"I can't find the entrance or exit when I came, and I can't get out."

The middle-aged man also noticed this, and blamed him with an ugly expression: "If you hadn't let go of that giant, we would have already begun to break the formation."

Feng Wei glanced at him coldly, "If you hadn't come here twice in a row to fully activate the projection of the killing array, we wouldn't be unable to get out."

The state is not very good, and the rest will continue around 19:30-20 o'clock~~

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