Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2119 contact with mother

Huo Xiaoliang has received all kinds of training since he was a child, and his mental strength is very high, so he reacted immediately.

Face off with that demon soon.

The strength of the demon is very strong, but this is just a projection of the interface formation, so it can only exert 20-30% of it.

Huo Xiaoliang was pressed and beaten by him at first, but gradually the more he beat him, the more he felt, from the situation where he seemed to be shot to death at any time, to the situation where he could fight directly.

Seeing how powerful he was in combat, everyone present was shocked.

Bu Xu also sighed, "I am no longer his opponent even if I use the formation to bless me."

Originally, when the Guwu family made a battle list, he has always been ranked first. This is a trend they deliberately created after entering the world.

Who would have thought that the sudden rise of Huo Xiaoliang and Feng Wei would steal a lot of the limelight from their Guwu family.

Now I can only admit it.

However, they all knew that the reason why Huo Xiaoliang was able to rise so quickly, apart from his own talent and strength, was Feng Wei's help.

At the same time, everyone deeply felt the effect of the genetic modification fluid again.

After drinking it from level 5 to level 6, the effect of this genetic modification liquid is not ordinary.

For someone like Huo Xiaohai who has been stuck in the fourth-level ability and can't feel the upgrade at all, the sourness in his heart is really going to break through the sky.

Why was it that Huo Xiaoliang was so lucky to meet Feng Wei, but they couldn't?

Huo Xiaoliang fought with the demons, and when he was tired or suddenly realized, he went back to the mask to rest.

Once back to the mask, the demon will automatically follow the truce.

After comprehending and recovering, he will continue to rush out to fight again, constantly improving his fighting ability and skills.

The other demon will also be switched. The two are good at different things and have different combat methods, which gave Huo Xiaoliang a great temper.

While Bu Xu and the others had to deal with the skeleton army, they also had to find a way to break through, which was completely indescribably sour.

The problem is that it is very difficult to find the breaking point, and there is no clue at all.

As time went by, some panic grew in everyone's heart. Could it be that they were really going to be trapped here to death?

After another hour, the voice of Guangnao resounded in Feng Wei's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Master, I have found the signal from the central star, and I am establishing a connection with your mother's terminal."

Feng Wei was overjoyed, and really found the signal from above, "Good job."

After waiting for a few more minutes, an elegant and beautiful woman appeared in front of everyone.

Feng Wei's eye circles turned red, "Mom."

This is the virtual projection of the optical brain connected to her mother's video phone, so it will appear outside.

The moment Xia Ruo saw Feng Wei, the heart she had been carrying was finally relieved.

Her eyes were gentle and loving, and she asked worriedly, "Weiwei, where are you?"

"I'm on a low-level civilized planet, mom, I miss you so much!" Feng Wei was just homesick before, but after seeing her mother, the nostalgia in her heart can no longer be controlled.

Xia Ruo said with some distress: "My dear, we miss you so much, and are even more worried about your safety."

Then she saw the situation around Feng Wei on the video projection, and asked in surprise: "Wei Wei, where are you? Why is there such an environment around you?"

"Mom, I'm stuck in a formation. This is the projection of the real world onto the formation. I can't crack it. Can you contact grandpa or uncle for help?" Feng Wei asked for help.

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