Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2121 What is her identity?

After drawing one, Feng Wei will have more experience drawing another one.

While she was drawing symbols, everyone else was still in a state of curiosity and suspicion.

Feng Wei's parents and uncle suddenly appeared in the form of phantoms, which completely exceeded their cognition.

Zhuang Yi and others didn't know that technological means could achieve this level, and people from the Guwu family and Yinhun sect had never seen that the method of cultivating immortals could do this.

Moreover, Feng Wei's parents appeared, and they were not ordinary people in terms of appearance and temperament. They had never seen it, or even heard of it.

What is her identity? Where did it come from? Where are her parents?

Listening to their conversation, it seems that Feng Wei came to them because of some accident.

And what do they mean by calling this a low-level planet?

Huo Xiaoliang looked at Feng Wei who was drawing a talisman with complex eyes, and immediately remembered that when they first met, she was wearing clothes similar to aviation suits, so he also had some guesses.

No wonder she knows so many things about the energy stones that fell from the universe.

Soon, Feng Wei drew the talisman and typed it out according to Yunjing's instruction.

Two Void Talismans flew out quickly, sticking directly to the heads of the two demons.

They also seemed to sense the danger coming, and they wanted to avoid it, but they didn't know why they failed.

The whole body is imprisoned a lot by the power of the talisman, and it will take longer to condense the trick.

Yun Jing looked at the situation of the two demons, and said to Feng Wei: "You and that six-level supernatural being, each of you will attack quickly, the void talisman is only valid for three minutes, you must kill them within this time .”

"Okay!" Feng Wei took out the long sword from the space and asked Huo Xiaoliang, "Do you understand?"

Huo Xiaoliang nodded to her, "I understand."

Then he pointed to the stronger one and said, "I'll kill this one."

Feng Wei tapped her toes and rushed towards the other one first, "Okay."

Huo Xiaoliang didn't hesitate, and immediately met the other one.

The movement of the demon with the void talisman attached was much slower than before, and the power it used was also much weaker.

Both of them are strong, but they can barely compete with the current demons.

During the battle between the two, Yun Jing quickly found Xia Ruo's biggest weakness and taught her how to kill it.

According to his uncle's method, Feng Wei used the metal, wood and spiritual power abilities, and activated the energy of the talisman to the most powerful, and then stabbed the demon's throat with a sword.

"Hehe!" The demon let out a few ugly and piercing screams, and soon its body split into countless pieces, and then disappeared in place.

Yun Jing found the weak point of the other demon and taught Huo Xiaoliang how to deal with it.

Huo Xiaoliang also used all his abilities to bombard, and Feng Wei helped activate the talisman to be the most powerful. A wind sword condensed in his hand pierced straight into the left shoulder of the demon opposite.

The demon let out the same scream, then split and disappeared in place.

Without Yunjing looking for weak points, these two demons could not be killed at all. Even if their heads were cut off, they would still be able to continue to be resurrected, just like those skeleton legions.

After the two demons died, the skeletons that were still actively attacking and getting up from the ground one after another also shattered and disappeared in place.

In addition to the strong bloody evil spirit left behind, it was suddenly quiet as if nothing had happened before.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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