Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2123 don't do it at all

Telling the light brain to pay attention to receiving the video, her mental power withdrew from the light brain.

Then Zong Ze and others greeted them with curious and researching gazes.

She couldn't laugh or cry, "Is there anything you want to ask?"

With her current strength, no one on this planet can do anything to her, at least her safety is guaranteed.

In addition, everyone has seen the virtual projection video of her parents and uncle just now, so her identity is no longer easy to conceal.

She didn't bother to hide it anymore, so as not to be surprised and explored by the crowd every time she brought out some high-end things.

Zhuang Yi was ready to move, "We asked, and you will answer?"

"Would it be bad if your privacy is involved?" He asked again.

Feng Wei smiled angrily and asked back: "Then you won't ask?"

Zong Ze pushed Zhuang Yi away, "Miss Feng, if you think you can tell us, then tell us. If it's inconvenient for you, then just pretend we didn't ask."

Huo Xiaoliang also added, "That's right, even if you don't want to say it, we won't force it. The relationship between you and us won't change because of this. We believe in you."

"That's right, it doesn't matter what your identity is and where you come from. We just know that you are our beauty Feng." Qin Zhe said with a smile.

Ji Ziyi is much more cheerful now, "As long as you are their beauty Feng and our Wei Wei, it doesn't matter who you are."

Hua Nuan nodded: "Yes, as long as Weiwei remains Weiwei."

Xi Jun smiled and said, "I only care, as long as you are the sister Feng I know."

Zhuang Yi had black lines all over his head, "You guys have said all the nasty things, so let me ask the questions instead."

These people really rushed to say everything he wanted to say.

Feng Wei felt warm in his heart, the friends he made here were not in vain, "Ask."

"There are still people here, how about we chat in private?" Zhuang Yigang was about to speak, when he suddenly raised his head and glanced at the other three parties who were listening.

"..." People from three parties wanted to beat Zhuang Yi to death, this guy is too annoying.

At the same time, I wanted to shout at Feng Wei, but don't!

They were really curious about Feng Wei's identity.

Feng Wei seemed to have heard their cries, and said with a smile: "They are probably also very curious, so it doesn't matter if you let them know."

Sooner or later, you will know, and there is no need to hide it.

Seeing that she didn't care, Zhuang Yi asked, "What were you talking to your parents just now? How could it be like a projection? I felt like I was watching a sci-fi blockbuster just now."

As a scientist mainly at the subject level, this is what he is most interested in.

Just like what everyone said just now, what does Feng Wei's identity matter?

"..." The other three parties present really convinced him, is this the point of the question? The key is the origin of identity!

Feng Wei explained with a smile, "This is a kind of virtual video projection, and it is also the most common form of video calling here."

"How to put it, it's similar to your video call, except that ours can project real people's real images, and yours can only see each other through your mobile phone."

"Another point is that you can see each other in a relatively small range, and our virtual projection can see the situation around each other."

Zhuang Yi also discovered this, "Sure enough, is this a higher video technology? How is it used?"

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