Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2130 I can't swallow this breath

The Jade Slips that Bu Xu held was the inheritance of the array, which happened to be a relatively missing piece in their family.

Therefore, no matter what, he had to hold it in the palm of his hand to be at ease.

He thought for a while and took out a jade slip and handed it to Feng Wei, "Miss Feng, these are some things from our house, see if you like them."

Feng Wei was also not polite, took the jade slip and put it on his forehead and scanned it with his spiritual sense.

I really saw two materials used to make mechas inside. "I want these two materials. I want to change one from the jade slip. If you want the other, you can choose to make a deal with me."

Bu Xu took the jade slip and looked at the name of the spiritual creature circled by Feng Wei.

Most of these two are usually used to forge spirit weapons or refine formation materials, and the quality belongs to the top of the planet.

The ancestors of the Bu family collected some, and they would be willing to give some to Feng Wei.

"Okay, so what do you want to trade with?" he asked.

Feng Wei smiled indifferently: "It's up to you, what do you like about what I have? As long as it is suitable, I will trade it for you."

Hearing this, everyone in the Bu family was a little excited. Someone gave Bu Xu an idea, including genetic fluids, aircraft, modified flying off-road vehicles, and everything else.

Finally, Bu Xu thought for a while and asked, "Then can I change the genetic modification fluid?"

These guys in the family are stupid, and Feng Wei has said before that aircraft and the like will be traded in the future.

But the genetic modification fluid will not be taken out, the rare is the most expensive thing.

Feng Wei did not refuse this time, and directly took a bottle of genetic modification liquid from the interspatial ring and threw it to him, "I will give you both of these things first, and after the things I want are out of here, you can send them to City of Hope." .”

"Okay, Miss Feng is more refreshing!" Bu Xu carefully put away the genetic modification liquid.

As for the ownership of the last thing, I have to take it back to the clan to ask.

Seeing this, the members of the Yinhun sect turned even more ugly, wishing they could rush up and kill Feng Wei right now.

They wanted the jade slip, but she refused to give it to them on purpose, but gave it back to Bu Xu, which was a humiliation to them.

I couldn't swallow this breath.

But now is not the time to act. The middle-aged man exchanged glances with the other people, hinting, and they nodded to reach a consensus.

Feng Wei's mental strength is very strong, so he naturally noticed their small movements, although he was not afraid, he was a little wary.

The middle-aged man did not hide the things in this hall. He walked up to one of the stone doors, bit his finger and drew it with blood, and opened the door in the same way as before.

The scene of opening it this time made everyone stare blankly.

I saw that the inside was a reduced version of the courtyard, there were many pavilions and waterside pavilions, and there was a wooden house built of high-quality rosewood in the front.

The surrounding gardens are full of various flowers, and there is also a medicinal field in which the medicinal herbs planted are still alive.

A small stream encloses the garden of the wooden house, and there are active jumping and swimming in the water, and a lot of blooming lotus flowers are beautiful.

It's not surprising that such a scene appears outside, but it's in a cave, which makes people very surprised.

How can such beautiful flowers and lotus grow without sunlight?

And looking at the rosewood house, it is still almost new, and it has not been corroded because it has been built in the cave for so many years.

There are generally two situations in this situation, or there is no maintenance such as formations, one is that there is some treasure running to maintain it, and the second is more likely.

Continue at 19:30~~

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