Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2139 Do you agree?

The chains trapping the giant worm were torn off, and the members of the Yinhun sect also took a few steps back.

The middle-aged man's expression changed instantly, "No, run!"

After he yelled loudly, he ran towards the cave entrance without hesitation.

But as soon as he jumped out, he was sprayed with white air by the giant worm. In an instant, he turned into an ice sculpture and was thrown out.

Then everyone heard "click", and the ice sculpture that was thrown out and hit the ground heavily shattered into countless pieces.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene, this giant insect is too powerful.

This middle-aged man is a fifth-level supernatural power user, and he was finished just by being blown like this, so scary!

Many people showed panic and felt the threat to their lives.

Soon, those who fled towards the entrance of the cave before the Yinhun sect made a move were all blown into ice sculptures by the giant worm, and they couldn't die any more.

It also sniffed humanely, and then sprayed white air at other people in the Yinhun sect who hadn't done anything.

These people also didn't even have the ability to struggle and resist, and they all turned into ice sculptures.

The other people who wanted to run didn't dare to move, and they all stood there in a daze.

The giant insect's two big eyes fell on Feng Wei's body, with a bit of inquiry and entanglement, as if considering whether to blow them up or not?

Feng Wei felt the entanglement from the giant worm, if it was changed to before, she could easily suppress it.

But now her abilities are suppressed at the fifth level, and her strength is almost at the level of the sixth level, and the gap between her and the eighth level is still quite large.

She began to ponder, should she directly restrain it with her hands, or use some method to attract it?

"If you do it, are you sure you can hold it in?" She didn't move either, but asked Huo Xiaoliang who was standing beside her in a low voice.

Huo Xiaoliang said truthfully: "I'm not sure, it's too strong."

"A desperate fight can delay for a while." He added.

Feng Wei shook his head: "It's not necessary."

She put her mental power into the space ring and looked at it carefully.

Then he took out some fruits and vegetables brought from Starfield Farm above, and threw them in front of the giant worm.

The giant worm lowered its head and sniffed, and opened its mouth to eat all the fruits and vegetables.

Then he raised his head and looked at Feng Wei, without any longing eyes, as if I would eat it if you gave it to me, but it still couldn't satisfy me.

"..." Feng Wei wanted to help his forehead, this guy is about to become a genius.

Looking through the space again, she took out a bottle of genetic fluid, opened it and compressed it into a few drops of essence with mental power, then condensed it into a hand with mental power, held a few drops of liquid and sent it to the giant worm.

There was a curiosity in the eyes of the giant worm, and it opened its mouth without hesitation to suck it in.

Then the originally calm dark eyes lit up, this time showing desire, but obviously not satisfied.

Feng Wei heaved a sigh of relief, as long as this guy is interested.

She took out another bottle of genetic modification fluid, and said to the giant worm with mental fluctuations: "I can continue to give it to you."

Then he pointed to Zong Ze and the others, "But can you let them go first?"

With the blessing of spiritual power, the giant worm understood Feng Wei's general meaning.

Its gaze fell on Zongze and the others, as if it could penetrate substantially, making Zongze and the others sweat all over their backs.

Then it showed some disgust in its eyes, and neighed a few times towards Feng Wei.

"Are you agreeing?" Feng Wei asked speculatively, unable to understand its worm language.

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