Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2141 completely abused

Feng Wei didn't know what it was humming, and took a few steps back tentatively.

Who knew that the giant worm king would slide forward suddenly and quickly, blocking the way to the entrance of the cave, obviously unwilling to let Feng Wei and the others go.

"..." Feng Wei twitched the corners of his mouth, this guy seemed to want to keep her as a babysitter for feeding.

Huo Xiaoliang frowned, then turned to Feng Wei and said, "How about we try together?"

Feng Wei thought for a while and nodded, "Let me communicate with it first."

"Giant Insect King, you have taken so much essence, why don't we accompany you to digest it?" Just do it directly, afraid that it will really hurt them by playing violently, so why not try to fool it into a sparring match.

The giant insect king has been sealed under the cave by his master for thousands of years, and he hasn't moved for a long time.

So he agreed to Feng Wei's suggestion, and took the initiative to attack them without spraying.

Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang immediately joined forces and fought back against the giant beast king.



I don't know how many rounds of fighting, Huo Xiaoliang and Feng Wei don't know how many times they fell on the cave wall or the ground.

It wasn't until they were exhausted from fighting and Feng Wei was thrown to the ground again that she waved her hand to the giant insect king, "No more, no more, we admit defeat."

The difference in strength is too great, it is impossible to fight at all, it is completely abused.

Unless, as Huo Xiaoliang said, a fight to the death, such as self-explosion abilities, can be delayed, but that's not interesting.

What stays is what it should be when you leave.

Only then did the giant insect king stop attacking. It had been a long time since no one had played with him like this, so it was right to leave him behind.

After moving around for a while, it felt a lot more comfortable in its body, and then coiled up to continue to absorb the previous essence.

Huo Xiaoliang walked over to help her up, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Feng Wei shook his head, "This guy has a rough skin and thick flesh. If we fight, there is no point."

Huo Xiaoliang also found out, and helped Feng Wei walk to the pavilion not far away to sit down, "Then the only way is to outsmart."

"Well, with the genetic modification fluid, it won't attack us, so we have to find a way to fool it into letting us go." Feng Wei sighed.

She didn't expect that one day she would be trapped by a level eight worm.

Huo Xiao smiled coldly: "As long as you are alive, there is hope to go out, so there is no need to rush."

For some reason, being able to get along with Feng Wei alone here, he felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

Because Huo Xiaoliang had lost his memory and lost his wits before, and often pestered Feng Wei intimately, so she got along with him more casually.

Leaning lazily on his shoulder, she nodded, "Yes."

"I'm so tired, I'll rely on you to sleep for a while." Just now, she was almost exhausted from fighting the Giant Insect King.

Huo Xiaoliang's eyes were soft, "Go to sleep, I will watch over you."

Feng Wei leaned on Huo Xiaoliang's shoulder and soon fell asleep.

Huo Xiaoliang adjusted her sitting position just to make her sleep more comfortably.

I don't know how long I slept this time.

In addition, several waves of people over there finally ran out of this fairy mountain after a whole night without any rest.

There were a lot of food brought from the City of Hope in Zhuang Yi's space. After leaving the fairy mountain, they sat down to eat and drink while panting.

"I don't know what happened to Miss Feng and Lao Huo?" Zhuang Yi said worriedly after taking a sip of water.

Zong Ze looked up at Xianshan not far away, "It will be fine."

While the others were worried, they firmly believed that the two of them would be able to walk down the mountain alive and join them back home.

Today's update is over, thank you for the rewards and votes~~

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