Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2147 You have to outsmart

Feng Wei knew that it had just come out, and had a deep attachment to its master.

She just threw the bait to hang it on purpose, but she didn't really want it to follow now.

Otherwise, if it breaks out and overturns their City of Hope, no one can control it.

After that, it thought about getting the essence, and went to the City of Hope to find them by itself. It was estimated that her strength would also increase a lot by then, so she could suppress it and not be afraid of it making trouble.

Feng Wei touched the Giant Insect King boldly, "Then I'll wait for you at home. If you want to rape Huaye, come to Hope City to find me."

After speaking, she also used her mental power to imprint the map route from this fairy mountain to the city of hope, and entered it into the sea of ​​consciousness of the giant insect king and giant pine.

"You can also go to the City of Hope to find me, and I will give you the essence to drink, and use the wood-type supernatural power to nourish you." Feng Wei raised his hand, countless small green light spots emerged from his fingers, and then flew into the giant pine tree in the body.

Ju Song instantly felt that he was surrounded by a warm energy, which was very comfortable, and the injuries he suffered before also recovered a little.

It told Feng Wei that it would consider it as it swung the branch.

The Giant Insect King was still a bit reluctant to release Feng Wei, but he was knocked several times by the giant pine with a branch.

It just nodded reluctantly, and neighed at Feng Wei again.

It means that because Feng Wei saved his good friend Jusong, he let them go this time.

In the future, she will take the initiative to see it and bring the essence, otherwise it will go to her house to destroy it.

Feng Wei felt that the Giant Insect King was still a cub before he was sealed, but now that the thousand years have passed, his intelligence has grown, but his mind is not particularly high.

She patted its worm body, the softness felt good, "Okay, if I have time, I will send you the essence."

Obviously she would have no time after that.

The Giant Insect King didn't understand this kind of language trap, so he gave her his head happily.

After thinking for a while, he spit out a bright white egg-sized stone from his mouth and threw it to Feng Wei, which was regarded as a token like the pine nut.

In the future, if it suddenly wants to find Feng Wei, it can also use the stone to sense her position.

Feng Wei knew that this thing had the mental power and aura of the big worm brand, so he could find himself at any time, so he put it in the space ring in front of it.

Seeing that the big worm was still staring at her, she thought for a while and took out a seed from the space, which gave birth to a plant with two walnut-like fruits on it.

She plucked the fruit and gave one to Da Chong and Ju Song as tokens from her, which made Da Chong completely satisfied.

It agreed for them to leave, Feng Wei didn't delay, waved to them goodbye, then pulled Huo Xiaoliang out of this place.

After walking out, Feng Wei put down the hand holding Huo Xiaoliang's arm, making him feel empty.

"It's still your trick that works. I thought I was going to fight it desperately." He said with a smile on his face.

Feng Wei said with a smile: "It's not worthwhile to fight it desperately, you have to outsmart it."

"Let's see, maybe it won't be long before we have a janitor and a strong thug in City of Hope." She was thinking about these two guys.

If they haven't come to the City of Hope after her strength has improved, she will come here again in person and get them all back.

Huo Xiaoliang smiled deeper, "I think it's quite interesting."

That big fat worm will definitely not be able to bear it for long, Jusong is its good friend, and if she has to accompany her to find Feng Wei, her worm-fishing plan will be successful.

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