Rebirth: I Want To Be a Student God

Chapter 2149 Can sending charcoal in the snow and icing on the cake be the same?

The Ghost Sect's team going to attack the City of Hope was very high-profile, without any cover-up.

Their action this time is also for the purpose of deterring the world after they are born.

As long as the City of Hope is captured and Feng Wei is brought back to the Yinhun Sect, the major bases will know how strong their Yinhun Sect is.

Therefore, all bases, big and small, knew the news, and many people were waiting to see the good show.

Everyone also heard that Feng Wei and Huo Xiaoliang managed to get out of the fairy mountain alive, and they faced each other hard, so we can see whether it is Yin Hun Zong's better move, or Feng Wei and the others are more resistant to fighting.

The Guwu family also knew about this, and Bu Xu immediately went to the ancestor's retreat.

Not long after, he led an elite group of the Bu family to the City of Hope. The purpose was not to fish in troubled waters, but to rescue them.

For Bu Xu, he is more optimistic about Feng Wei's strength and potential.

The Yinhun sect is a scourge. If they continue to grow, they don't know what the world will be like in the future.

After the Bu family dispatched, the families with whom they had a good relationship also dispatched to support.

After the three major families got the news, Zuo Yu also immediately applied for a high-level meeting of the family, and wanted to bring people to support the City of Hope.

Someone from the Zuo family raised objections.

The main reason is that they are afraid that the Yinhun sect will take the city of hope, and they will directly and openly stand on the opposite side of the other party when they go to support.

But Zuo Yu didn't support it. He said meaningfully: "Feng Wei obviously has more potential than the Yinhun sect. Being able to get rid of the eighth-level giant insect king is not something that the Yinhun sect can do."

"In addition, she comes from other high-level star fields and has a lot of advanced technology and knowledge. If you don't take the initiative to make friends at this time, it will be too late later."

Can giving charcoal in the snow and icing on the cake be the same?

Then he added another bargaining chip, "The Yinhun sect's ability to accept the dark organization shows that it is an evil force. Even if it maintains peace now, it will definitely stand against us in the future. Why not stand firm now."

These words made many people shake, and in the end 80% agreed, and Zuo Yu quickly led a team to the City of Hope for support.

It was the old man who proposed it on the Huo family's side, and the jumping up and down of Huo Xiaohai's mother and son didn't work at all.

The leader of the Huo family is a cousin who has a good relationship with Huo Xiaoliang. The Huo family considers the same as the Zuo family, and support is the best choice.

After bringing back the news that Zong Ling was still alive and sent to the Yinhun Sect by the head's wife, the Zong family was in chaos.

It's just that most of the people were bought or suppressed by the couple of the head of the family, so after someone knew that the Huo family and the Zuo family were supporting the City of Hope, they also proposed to let the family send a team to support them.

But it was not surprising that they were suppressed, and some people suddenly felt that there was no hope in the Zong family, and they were going to contact Brother Zongze to see if they would go to the City of Hope to mess around in the future.

In addition to these big family forces, there are also many forces who went secretly. Their purpose is to watch the excitement and fish in troubled waters.

Feng Wei and the others were still halfway there when they received a message from Xi Ye that the Ghost Sect had sent someone to attack.

After reading the news, Feng Wei said to Zhuang Yi: "You tell Xi Ye, let them not panic, first open the restriction outside, and then use our modified shells to directly explode. Don't consider the casualties of the other party, one death will save one disaster. "

"I still left a whistle in my room. Before Hua Nuan left, I discussed with those insects. As long as I blow the whistle, they will come out to help. Try it when you make him unable to stand it."

"The talisman in my room can also be taken and used."

"In any case, we must support them until we go back. I also believe in them."

Today's update is over, thank you for your rewards and votes~

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